
Tvilight, which automatically dials down the brightness when no one is around and restores maximum radiance upon detecting the presence of oncoming human activity, has been installed in cities in Holland and Ireland.

Clever? Smart Street Lamps Light Up Only When Needed

The Tvilight lighting system is designed to dim when no one's around, saving cities as much as 60 percent on energy bills each year

Hövding is a helmet cyclists wear on their necks—not their heads.

The Bicycle Helmet That's Invisible (Until You Need It)

Riffing off of airbag technology, Swedish designers have created a helmet, worn around the neck, that inflates during an accident

This Wheel Turns Your Bicycle Into An Electric Hybrid

The Copenhagen Wheel can be snapped onto just about any bicycle to boost your pedaling power by up to 10 times

When the first hijacked plane crashed into the World Trade Center, the New York Fire Department immediately responded. Officers set up a command center in the lobby of the north tower and bravely rushed up the stairs to rescue the trapped occupants and put out the raging fires. When the towers collapsed, numerous trucks were crushed, and 343 members of the New York Fire Department were killed. 

This door is from a FDNY rescue pumper truck destroyed in the World Trade Center collapse. The truck belonged to Squad One of Brooklyn, part of FDNY’s Special Operations Command, an elite group of firefighters who respond to unique fire and emergency situations. Squad One lost 12 members on September 11.

Caption from the National Museum of American History's Bearing Witness to History.

Remembering 9/11: Brooklyn Squad 1 Fire Truck Door

This door is from a FDNY rescue pumper truck destroyed in the World Trade Center collapse. Squad 1 lost 12 members on September 11


Panorama: The New York Skyline

Explore the city's many neighborhoods in this breathtaking flyover


Watch New York City Come Alive in This Amazing Timelapse

Take a sped-up tour of Midtown Manhattan and its residents, non-stop traffic and historic landmarks


Interactive: The Best Small Towns to Visit in America

Tour this map and see which idyllic small towns are closest to you


Editor’s Pick: Amazing Chicago Timelapse

When executed properly, timelapses can be absolutely spectacular

Lunch Atop a Skyscraper Photograph: The Story Behind the Famous Shot

For 80 years, the 11 ironworkers in the iconic photo have remained unknown, and now, thanks to new research, two of them have been identified

The deadliest disaster in New York before 9/11 killed many women and children and ultimately erased a German community from the map of Manhattan.

A Spectacle of Horror – The Burning of the General Slocum

The deadliest disaster in New York before 9/11 killed many women and children and ultimately erased a German community from the map of Manhattan

Population growth places the United States in a radically different position from that of Russia, Japan and Europe.

The Changing Demographics of America

The United States population will expand by 100 million over the next 40 years. Is this a reason to worry?


SI in the City

Erosion—caused by the North Sea's relentless pounding of England's east coast—had all but consumed Dunwich by 1750.

Ancient Cities Lost to the Seas

Dunwich, England, is one of several underwater sites where divers are discovering new information about historic cultures

The Acropolis Museum shows off treasures from the Parthenon.

A New Look for an Old City

The center of ancient Greek civilization is now home to a magnificent modern museum that highlights the city's storied past


Tadashi Kawamata Builds Tree Houses in New York City

The Finnish capital, facing the Baltic Sea (residents frequent the quay), enjoys a setting that has long enthralled visitors, including a Frenchman in 1838: "This town stretches over a vast peninsula...," he wrote, "the sea surrounds it on all sides."

Helsinki Warming

The city of Sibelius, known as a center for innovative technology and design, now stakes its claim as an urban hotspot


The Anti-Burb

Arcosanti, a struggling community in the Arizona desert, preaches the virtues of close quarters


Matters of Time

Everything old is news again


Olmsted's Triumph

One hundred and fifty years ago this month, the New York State legislature set aside the land that would become Central Park

The condition of the main facade in 1979, showing absence of the main steps


The New York City courthouse that caused his downfall has been returned to its former glory, and Tweed's odious reputation has been refurbished

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