Cool Finds


Inside the Unnerving Reality of Modern Slavery

The number of people in slavery is estimated to be upwards of 27 million — 2x the number of slaves taken from Africa during the transatlantic slave trade

Hopefully, Curiosity will never wake up on the wrong side of Mars, then we’d have trouble finding her.

Good Morning Curiosity – Wake up With the Same Songs as a Mars Rover

Every Martian morning, the Curiosity rover gets a wakeup song


There Is No Such Thing As “The” United States Constitution

"There is no unique, tangible, singular, definitive Constitution," says information scientist Joe Janes


Why You Should Stop Worrying About the Robot Apocalypse

You, for one, won't have to welcome your robot overlords too soon


This Woman Wants You to Buy Her, Piece by Piece

Filmmaker Storm Theunissen tired to find out just how much she could get for the various pieces of her


Archaeologists Excavate Death Pit, Finding Hundreds of Sacrificed Soldiers in Denmark

Archaeologists are excavating hundreds of skeletons from the boggy swamps, and the remains belong to men who all sacrificed around the time of Christ

A crowd gathers in Times Square in 1945. Since then, we’ve added a few more people to the population.

A Different Kind of Pi Day – the U.S. Population Hits π x 100,000,000

The U.S. Census Bureau announced yesterday that our population has hit one of math's favorite landmarks


Want to Get Rich? Win an Olympic Medal for Azerbaijan

How does the United States stand up against other countries in rewarding our Olympic athletes? Not well

Three of the 87 record eggs removed from the python

Big Momma – Record 87 Eggs Found in Gargantuan Everglades Python

University of Florida researchers cut into the largest python found in the Everglades, measuring a whopping 17-feet-7-inches long and weighing 165 pounds


These Are the Mega-Cities of the Future

In 2025, chances are you'll live in one of these cities. Today, chances are you haven't heard of some of them

Google Earth Probably Didn’t Just Find New Pyramids

Amateur archaeologist claims to have found lost pyramids using Google Earth. Real archaeologists are skeptical

Click Around This High Definition 360° Panorama of Mars


What if All 2,299 Exoplanets Orbited One Star?

For the past two years, NASA's planet-hunting Kepler satellite has consistently challenged our view of just how many planets there are out there.


This is What Fire Breathing Looks Like in Slow Motion

Super high speed camera catches a fire breather in action.

How Many Stops Have You Made on the National Parks Subway?

The Sierra Club presented a fictional subway map of the U.S. National Parks and is challenging green commuters to see how many stops they can hit


The Olympics Are Over and Here Are the Best Infographics

While athletes were setting world records, designers and journalists were building graphics and games to track them. Here are the best ones.

Great Wall of China Collapses After Torrential Rains

Flooding fueled by heavy rains brought down a 36 meter long stretch of the Great Wall of China

Celebrating 80 Years of LEGO

Children and hobbyists rejoice - today is Lego's 80th birthday


Why People Won’t Leave the Town that Has Been On Fire for Fifty Years

For the residents of Centralia, Pennsylvania, the fire that has been burning beneath their town for fifty years is part of what makes it home.


The Olympic Salute We Don’t Use Anymore Because it Looked too Much Like Heiling Hitler

Saluting Hitler and saluting the Olympics look basically identical, which is why you never see anybody saluting the Olympics anymore.

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