Cool Finds

Amazing Shots Captured by Google Street View

One artist scours Google Street View for shocking, beautiful and amazing images

Artist Sue Austin scopes out a pool in her underwater wheel chair.

Artist Explores the Deep in Underwater Wheelchair


UFO or Crazy Cloud? ‘Weird Cloud Atlas’ Helps You Decide

Clouds come in a vast array of unusual shapes and sizes, and the Weird Cloud Atlas wants to help you sort of what is what


Welcome to Beefspace, Where the Battle for Fast Food Dominance Rages On

This is a beautiful, and detailed map of the most influential fast food chains at each point

Five Epic Patent Wars That Don’t Involve Apple

The recent Apple patent decision was a big one, but here are some historical patent wars you might not have heard of


Wracked by Face Cancer, Tasmanian Devils Fight Off Extinction

Tasmanian devils are on the verge of extinction, but a captive breeding program may be able to bring them back

Check Out the Milwaukee Police’s Mind-Blowing, Crime-Busting Site

The Milwaukee Police are tackling crime with creativity and great web design


Why is Bluetooth Called Bluetooth? (Hint: Vikings!)

Bluetooth's odd name harkens back to Swedish telecommunication company Ericsson's Viking heritage

Data Mining the Classics Clusters Women Authors Together, Puts Mellville Out On a Raft


It Wasn’t Me – Could Identical Twins Get Away With Murder?

Identical twins can actually get away with crimes by blaming one another


UPDATE: Contents of 100-Year-Old Norwegian Package Turn Out to Be Horribly Disappointing

In 1912, Johan Nygaard, the mayor of the town of Otta, created a time capsule to be opened in 2012. After 100 years the contents have finally been revealed


Geologists Make Lava, Unleash it on New York

Jeff Karson and Bob Wysocki make real lava. Then, they watch it bubble and ooze across upstate New York


The Final Frontier – Fifty Years of Space Exploration in One Graphic

From the Curiosity Rover to the Cassini spacecraft, follow the sweeping paths of our space missions

For the full experience, visit BBC Futures

Choose Your Own Alien Adventure – The Drake Equation Gets Interactive

No one knows how many alien civilizations are out there - but if you wanted to guess at a number you'd probably turn to the Drake Equation

Kanzi creates his hominid-rivaling tools.

Crafty Bonobo Shows Humans Aren’t the Only Stone Tool-Makers

“Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?”

Insult Your Foes Like a Montague


Curiosity’s High-Definition Perspective of its Descent Onto Mars

Bask in the high-definition timelapse images captured by Curiosity as it landed on Mars

An artist’s depiction of a Plesiosaur, the same species Nessie reportedly belongs to.

Celebrating 1,447 Years of the Loch Ness Monster


The Story of László Bíró, the Man Who Invented the Ballpoint Pen

László Bíró first sold the ballpoint pen in 1938, just before the onset of WWII


Your Boss Gets Paid More Than You Because They Get More Done

Researchers took a look at the differences in productivity between the big wigs and employees

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