Food History

Grab Your Fork and Travel Back in Time With These Old USDA Dietary Guidelines

Wheels, pyramids and plates—dietary recommendations have come a long way in the last century

A women harvests millet in Arunachal Pradesh, India

This Ancient Grain May Have Helped Humans Become Farmers

Millet's short growing season and low water needs might also benefit a modern world stressed by climate change

Does Altitude Affect Animals the Same Way it Affects Humans and More Questions From Our Readers

You asked, we answered

A Brief History of Figgy Pudding

The dense, spicy dish has been giving good cheer for centuries

A spread of Russian zakuski or small dishes

Dine Behind the Iron Curtain With Soviet Era Recipes

A new cookbook explores a time of food shortages and standardization, colored with some nostalgia

This 1789 illustration by W.D. Cooper recreates the protest of December 16, 1773.

For the First Time in 242 Years, British Tea Will Be Dumped Into the Boston Harbor

Drink up, patriots!

Here’s What Happens When You Age Whisky

Hint: The barrel really does matter

Europeans Only Started Digesting Dairy 4,000 Years Ago

They can enjoy that cheese thanks to ancient nomadic herders

Why a Yam Is Not a Sweet Potato

Despite grocery store labels, these tubers aren’t at all the same

A Brief History of Cranberries

Pucker up: Thanksgiving (and plenty of cranberry sauce) is almost here

Check Out These Gluten-Free Versions of Famous Paintings

The Gluten-Free Museum pokes fun at the popular diet trend

The Classic Coca-Cola Bottle Turns 100 Today

To this day, the shapely glass bottle defines the classic drink

Soon, Guinness Will Be Vegan

The Irish brewery will no longer use fish bladders to make its beer

The Stockholm Guild, which runs the market, was founded in 1914 to bring the tradition of a Christmas market back to Stockholm (there was a Christmas market here as early as 1523).

Christmas Markets Might Be the Best Reason to Spend the Holidays in Europe

From mulled wine to intricate ornaments, Europe's Christmas markets are a mix of food, goods and holiday cheer

Scores of different spices, including these colorful peppercorns, are available at the Drogheria Mascari, a family-owned store that opened on the Ruga dei Spezieri (“street of the spice merchants”) in Venice in 1948.

The Spice That Built Venice

The story of an import so prized, royals were literally rolling in it

Candy Corn Hasn't Changed Since the 19th Century

The Halloween sweet was invented in the 1880s

Craft beer sales grew by 17.6 percent last year compared to a rate of just 0.5 percent in overall beer sales.

There's No Stopping The Craft Beer Craze

How innovations in the craft brewing industry have changed (and improved) our taste in beer

Pepin has recently announced his donation of the menu from that long-ago meal when he dined with Julia Child at her home shortly before her kitchen was dismantled and delivered to the Smithsonian Institution.

Jacques Pépin Donates a Hand-Painted Menu From His Last Supper With Julia Child

This month the modern traditionalist chef is honored with the first-ever Julia Child Award

America's in the Midst of a Lobster Boom

With the lobster catch up sixfold in the last 30 years, can we eat without worry?

Eateries like La Palma in San Francisco's Mission District are revered by some communities, but off-the-radar for others

Find Flavor Around Every Corner (and Off the Beaten Path) With These Culinary Walking Tours

From beloved institutions to hole-in-the-wall eateries, great food is everywhere

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