
Game Over: Former Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi Dies at 85

The man who oversaw Nintendo's transformation into a video game company died today

Half of Children That Die Before Age Five Live in Just Five Countries

6.6 million children died before their first birthday last year, but the good news is that number is going down

233,000 Gallons of Molasses Spilled in Hawaii, Killing Everything

This might sound like the beginning of a cartoon, but it's not. Molasses is bad for wildlife, and the officials are dealing with an environmental disaster


In the 16th Century, Nose Jobs Were Horrible, Horrible Things

The process involves shoving cloth under the skin of your arm, walking around for two weeks with your bicep attached to your face, and probably dying

Thousands of Dolphins And Whales Will Get in the Way of the Navy’s Bombs, Says the Navy

Underwater explosions and sonar testing is expected to kill hundreds, and injure thousands to millions of animals

Muriel Siebert, First Woman With a Seat on the Stock Exchange, Dies at Age 80

Siebert bought her seat in 1967, but she remained the only woman on the exchange for almost 10 years after that

Chemicals in the Blood Could Warn of Suicidal Thoughts

Preliminary work has found chemical signs, hidden in the blood, of peoples' internal struggles

Before Crime Novels, the Late Elmore Leonard Specialized in Westerns

The author was in the middle of a 46th novel when he passed away following complications from a stroke

Just a year ago these people were celebrating Morsi’s election.

Three Things to Know About the Bloodshed in Egypt

Hundreds of people were killed in Egypt yesterday. Here's your primer


Werner Herzog Doesn’t Want You to Text And Drive

Texting and driving kills more teenagers than driving and driving


This Is What It Feels Like To Be Left in a Hot, Parked Car

Every summer, news reports roll in of people leaving their pets, or even worse, their children, in parked cars. Here's what that feels like


Pioneering Sex Researcher Virginia Johnson, 88, Talked About Sex Before It Was Okay

As half of the Masters and Johnson duo, she published books on sexuality like Human Sexual Response and Human Sexual Inadequacy, which became bestsellers.

Thomas, taking notes on Gerald Ford.

Helen Thomas, Trailblazing Female Journalist, Dies at 92

Many credit Thomas with breaking the glass ceiling for women in journalism


The British Government Is Finally Ready to Pardon Alan Turing

In 1952, he was convicted of "gross indecency"—a crime used at the time to punish homosexuals—and chemically castrated.


What’s Killing Florida’s Manatees This Time?

What's behind the mysterious deaths of more than a hundred of Florida's manatees?

Flooded streets in Kolkata following heavy June rains Elsewhere in the country, flooding from the monsoon was much more extensive.

5,700 Dead As India Struggles With Changing Monsoon

As the climate changes, India's monsoon is changing with it

July Marks the 25th Anniversary of the First Use of DNA Evidence to Convict a Killer

Twenty-five years ago this month, the first person ever was convicted of a murder through DNA evidence


The Creator of the Computer Mouse Never Received Any Royalties

Though Engelbart revolutionized computing in 1967 with the invention of the mouse, he never received any royalties from his creation

Museum to Preserve Lonesome George, in All His Lonesomeness, Forever

There are no other Pinta Island tortoises preserved anywhere else in the world, so George will be alone forever

First Death During Cirque du Soleil Performance

For 29 years, Cirque du Soleil had defied death, never seeing a performer die on the job. Until this past weekend

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