Cool Finds


An Otter Learns to Play Therapeutic Basketball at the Oregon Zoo

Zookeepers show that it is possible to teach an old otter new tricks


Eclipses Look Even More Gorgeous From Outer Space

With roiling red Sun and the black disk of Earth, eclipses don't get much prettier than this

Centuries Ago, a Cat Walked Across This Medieval Manuscript

While pawing through a stack of medieval manuscripts from Dubrovnik, Croatia, a student stumbled upon a familiar set of splotches marring the book's pages


This Giant Snail Is Giving Australia Terrible Flashbacks to the Last Giant Snail Takeover

The giant African snail is a true nightmare. So when Australian officials found one in a shipping container yard in Brisbane, they destroyed it as quickly as possible


Roller Derby Players Go Home With Bruises And a New Microbiome

Roller derby players come home with lots of bruises, scrapes and aches. But they also come home with an altered microbiome


Here You Still Can Listen to Sound of a Nintendo Game Boy

One technology enthusiast set out to capture the sounds of old gadgets in his Museum of Endangered Sounds


What Mosh Pits Can Teach Us About Disaster Planning

Moshers might have more to offer society than you once thought. It turns out that mosh pits behave a lot like a container of gas, with each individual behaving like an atom

Being a Naturalist Is Way More Dangerous Than You Think

Some of these naturalists were murdered by people in the regions they were working. Others died of diseases or lost their lives to their research subjects

Dennis Hope stands next to a map of the Moon, showing (in red) all the plots of land he’s sold.

Dennis Hope Thinks He Owns the Moon

Dennis Hope claims to own the Moon, and he wants to sell you an acre for just $19.99 plus taxes and fees

This lion is hungry–for meatloaf!

Can Humans and Lions Truly Be Friends?

They've certainly tried

Ben Franklin, inventor of all things sky-related

Did Benjamin Franklin Invent Daylight Savings Time?

The creation of DST is usually credited to George Vernon Hudson, but 100 years earlier, Benjamin Franklin pondered a similar question

Life on Earth May Have Been Seeded by Comets

Researchers at UC Berkeley recently added evidence to the idea that life on earth came from a comet


This Little Computer Can Make You an Expert Paraglider

If one little mistake can send you plummeting to your death, how do you even begin to learn?


This Photo Gallery Can Help ID All Those Weird Bones the Dog Brings In

Does your dog bring home random bones? Ever wondered what, exactly, is he chewing on?

Cut spending, be immortalized on the nickel

How Would Thomas Jefferson Solve the Fiscal Crisis?

Jefferson managed to cut military spending by nearly half, end the whiskey tax and buy a third of North America


Why Do Backrubs Hurt So Good?

Why are back rubs so great? Why aren't we all crazy for stomach rubs, or ankle rubs?

Female Butterflies Can Sniff Out Inbred Males

Unlike in humans, butterfly females can actually distinguish between inbred and outbred males by their scent

A black and white (left) and color (right) map of Mercury’s surface.

Behold, The First Full Map of Mercury

"Every square meter of Mercury's surface" in one gorgeous map


What Does This Head From the Thirteenth Century Tell Us About Medieval Medicine?

What can a dissection specimen from the 13th century tell us about the Dark Ages?

How to Make a Sandwich in Space

Astronaut Hadfield is described as "the International Space Station's ambassador to the internet." Now, he's showing you how to make a sandwich, in space

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