
La Cité du Vin.

Bordeaux’s New Wine Museum Is Open for Business

The “City of Wine” is a vino lover’s amusement park

A glass of real bubbly.

Can Wine Made Without Grapes Match the Real Thing?

A San Francisco start-up is trying to create synthetic wine—just by mixing together the right ingredients

Voskehat, “the queen of Armenian grapes”

History in a Glass: (Re)discovering Armenian Wine

With more than six thousand-year-old history of viniculture, Armenian wines are gaining popularity

Bottles of the two triumphant vintages 1973 Chateau Montelena chardonnay and 1973 Stag's Leap Wine Cellars cabernet sauvignon are now held in the Smithsonian collections.

That Revolutionary May Day in 1976 When California Wines Bested France's Finest

Forty years ago, a Copernican moment took place in viniculture when the world realized the sun didn’t always revolve around French wines

The village and vineyards of Dürnstein form part of Lower Austria's Wachau Valley.

For a Culinary Scene Steeped in Tradition, Head to Austria's Wachau Valley

A new generation of chefs and vintners is seasoning this sleepy, vineyard-dotted valley with fresh ideas

An Italian Senator Wants Kids to Learn About Wine in School

A bill would add wine classes to elementary school curriculums

A toast to global warming! Kind of.

Climate Change Makes For Tastier Wine

Global warming + wine grapes = true love…for now

Millenials = oenophiles, according to a new study.

Millennials Drink More Wine Than Anyone Else

The much-maligned generation has a penchant for vino

Friuli-Venezia Giulia’s vineyards benefit from the breezy, sunny microclimate created by their equidistance from the Austrian Alps to the north and the Adriatic Sea to the south.

The Best Italian Wine Region You’ve Never Heard Of

The world does not yet come to the Friuli region, and so much the better

What gives your local Chardonnay that je ne sais quoi? It just might be the regional microbes.

Wine Gets Some of Its Unique Flavors From Regional Microbes

Small genetic differences in a single species of yeast produce distinct mixes of chemicals that contribute to terroir

Crimean Officials Are Suing Putin for Drinking a 240-Year-Old Bottle of Wine

Putin and Berlusconi opened up a world of trouble along with a vintage bottle of booze

Quebec Might Become The New Napa Thanks To Climate Change

In a few years, Qubecois pinot noir might be among the best in the world

During Prohibition, Vintners Sold "Wine Bricks" Rather Than Wine

Dissolve, ferment, enjoy

Visitors to a hot springs resort in Japan enjoy a wine bath.

What’s the Deal With Wine Baths?

Chemists investigate the science behind the hype

Why Is there Wine on the UNESCO World Heritage List?

Bordeaux, Champagne wine regions get world heritage designations

Watch How an Expert Spots Fraudulent Wine

Distinctive labels and corks mark the truly valuable vintages

A modern-day bottle of Veuve Clicquot "Grand Dame" champagne.

170-Year-Old Champagne Recovered (and Tasted) From a Baltic Shipwreck

The uncorked bubbly goes from notes of wet hair and cheese to something spicy and smoky, enologists report

A vineyard in Pomerol, Aquitaine, France

American Bugs Almost Wiped Out France’s Wine Industry

When the Great French Wine Blight hit in the mid 1800s, the culprit turned out to be a pest from the New World that would forever alter wine production

Get Ready for a Taste of the Byzantine Empire’s Favorite Wine

Scientists hope the discovery of 1,500-year-old grape seeds may help resurrect the historically famous “Wine of the Negev”

The Wine of the Future Could Be Aged Underwater

A historic shipwreck inspired a new way to age wine

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