
70 Years Ago, a B-25 Bomber Crashed Into the Empire State Building

14 people died in the accident

This Film Shows a Glimpse of Amelia Earhart Before Her Final Flight

After 70 years in storage, the footage shows the pilot posing for press photographs

The familiar SkyMall magazine on planes is now unfortunately bankrupt.

How SkyMall Captured a Moment of Technological and American History

The now-bankrupt catalog had a meteoric rise and fall

Ten years ago this week, the Huygens probe gave scientists a first look at the icy surface beneath the haze of Saturn's moon Titan.

Best Space Photos of the Week: From Solar Flares to Saturn's Moons

A spitting sun, a well-loved lake and a happy accident on Mars star in this week's best space images

The Enola Gay crew (Van Kirk is standing, second from left).

The Last Crew Member Who Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima Died

Theodore "Dutch" Van Kirk said he never regretted his involvement in the bombing


The Spirit of St. Louis’ Amazing Journey

A daring flight shrank the world and created the first global celebrity


From the Editor - Apr 13

From the Editor - Apr 13

In late 1938, the revolutionary DC-3 plane departed Newark Airport for Glendale, California.

How the DC-3 Revolutionized Air Travel

Before the legendary aircraft took flight, it took 25 hours to fly from New York to Los Angeles

The PT-13D prepared Tuskegee Airmen for war.

The Tuskegee Airmen Plane's Last Flight

The final voyage of a World War II biplane evokes the exploits of the legendary fighting force


Tragedy at the Reno Air Races

Air and Space editor Linda Shiner reports on her meeting with pilot Jimmy Leeward and what it was like in the pits that day


When Concorde Begins Service, Passengers Went Transatlantic in a Jiffy

The average New York City to Paris flight time was three-and-a-half hours, compared to eight hours on a commercial jet

Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and the crew of US Airways Flight 1549 were awarded the 2010 Current Achievement Trophy.

Q and A: Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger

The pilot of US Airways Flight 1549 talks about that fateful day, being a pilot and his future

In 1948, a plane carrying Navy pilot Bobby Freeberg disappeared in the jungles of Indonesia but what happened to him after the crash remains a mystery.

An American Who Died Fighting for Indonesia's Freedom

Bobby Freeberg, a 27-year-old pilot from Kansas, disappeared while flying a supply-filled cargo plane over the Indonesian jungle


Remembering Pearl Harbor

Flying With America's Most Famous Female Aviators

Dozens of talented women preceded Amelia Earhart, and thousands have followed, and each has her own groundbreaking story to tell


The Wright Experience


Orville Wright Turns 137

Former Air Force pilot Brian Shul calls the super-fast SR-71 Blackbird "the most remarkable airplane of the 20th century."

The Ultimate Spy Plane

The SR-71 Blackbird, now featured in the Transformers movie sequel, was faster than a rifle bullet and flew 16 miles above the earth

A US Air Force Boeing 707 disturbs a colony of sooty terns during takeoff.

The Perils of Bird-Plane Collisions

When airlines want to investigate dangerous bird strikes against planes, they turn to the head of the Smithsonian’s Feather Identification Lab

A spectacular new gallery at the Air and Space Museum (the nose of a 747) charts the history of an astonishing triumph—air travel.

From the Castle

Aero Dynamic

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