National Portrait Gallery


Our Presidential Exit Poll

Watch our very own "gallery" exit poll in the hall of America’s Presidents in the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery


Pondering Presidential Portraits on Election Day

Watch “Around the Mall” bloggers discover where the 43rd presidential portrait will go in the Hall of Presidents


Fake Radio War Stirs Terror Through US: Orson Welles' War of the Worlds turns 70

Seventy years ago, Orson Welles whipped millions of Americans into a martian-crazed panic with a radio play adaptation of H.G. Welles' War of the Worlds

'Women of Our Time' at the Portrait Gallery

A new exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery showcases the beauty of women in the twentieth century


Recent History: Michael Phelps at the Portrait Gallery

One of the heroes of the 2008 Olympic Games now hangs from the wall of the National Portrait Gallery


Public Punk'd by Panda: Mei Xiang is NOT Pregnant!

Thomas Alva Edison by Alfred S. Seer Engraver; Copy after: Mathew B. Brady, Color woodcut poster, c. 1878

All in a Word


Poking Fun at the Presidents


Stephen Colbert Declared A National Treasure


Portrait Gallery's Hip-Hop Exhibition Opens Friday


Portraits of Resistance

The inaugural show of the National Museum of African American History and Culture


Stephen Scores! (Well, Sorta)


Mystery on Mall: Case Closed


Justice Cowgirl


First-Person Curator

Curator Amy Henderson from the National Portrait Gallery remembers when she visited with the late, great Katharine Hepburn

The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General Assembly was found in a garage after the 1964 death of its self-taught creator, Washington, D.C. janitor James Hampton.

Grand Reopening: Speaking of Art

Two museums return home and invite visitors to engage in "conversations"


Picturing Pocahontas

An image at the National Portrait Gallery may be the truest account we have of the Indian princess


Around the Mall & Beyond

Alan Fern, director of the National Portrait Gallery, offers his insights on the art of reading a portrait

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