

The Year of Charles Darwin Ultimate Tour (Part 2)

Back in December, I wondered if you could plan an itinerary for the entire year in which everything you did was Darwin-related


Go to the Galápagos, See What Charles Darwin Saw

A senior editor visited the Galapagos - here's what she saw

"Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history," Darwin (c.1880) said of a future in which his hard-won findings would be tested.

What Darwin Didn't Know

Today's scientists marvel that the 19th-century naturalist's grand vision of evolution is still the key to life

Charles Darwin

Evolution and Equality

What do Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, and the Freedom Riders have in common with each other?


Lincoln vs. Darwin (Part 4 of 4)

On this blog, several of the staff of Smithsonian magazine have been debating who was more important, Abraham Lincoln or Charles Darwin


Lincoln vs. Darwin (Part 3 of 4)

We asked: Who was more important, Abraham Lincoln or Charles Darwin? T.A. Frail took up the fight for Lincoln, and Laura Helmuth argued for Darwin


Lincoln vs. Darwin (Part 2 of 4)

Recently, someone here at Smithsonian asked: Who was more important, Abraham Lincoln or Charles Darwin?


Lincoln vs. Darwin (Part 1 of 4)

Next month we celebrate an odd double anniversary—the 200th anniversaries of the births of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin

Wallace saw signs of evolution by natural selection in Malaysian butterflies.

Out of Darwin’s Shadow

Alfred Russel Wallace arrived at the theory of natural selection independently of Charles Darwin and nearly outscooped Darwin’s The Origin of Species


The Year of Charles Darwin Ultimate Tour (Part 1)


I Thought Darwin Studied Finches

Disclaimer: enormous cranium notwithstanding, that’s not me in the picture

Evolving a Better Bank Balance


Pesticide Resistance: Harder Than It Looks

Hat tip to Bad Astronomy, who is currently on something of a lunar bender owing to Apollo 11′s 40th anniversary and an actual time-lapse, color video of the moon crossing in front of the Earth.

Fly Me to the Moon

Micro-Fossils Reveal Dinosaur Colors and Ancient Sea Life


On the Origin of a Theory

Charles Darwin's bid for enduring fame was sparked 150 years ago by word of a rival's research

Fossil Parrot Beats Monty Python by 55 Million Years


T. Rex Linked to Chickens, Ostriches


Our Cheatin' Heart

The pest in question, Helicoverpa zea, the bollworm moth

Dent Appears in Armor of Pest-Resistant Cotton

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