
A northern cardinal

The City Bird and the Country Bird

As in Aesop's fable, there are advantages and disadvantages for birds living in the city

In this image from Science on Ice, graduate student Maria Tausendfreund collects a water sample from an Arctic melt pond during a brief period of 'ice liberty.'

A Holiday Gift List for Science Lovers

Some books, toys, art and clothing for the scientist or geek in your life

Hawkmoths prefer columbines with long, slender spurs.

The Columbines and Their Pollinators: An Evolutionary Tale

New research provides insight into an evolutionary concept introduced by Charles Darwin

Yellow saddle goatfish

The Fish That Hunt Like Lions

Yellow saddle goatfish collaborate when one finds prey to chase

Nursery web spiders

Lying For Sex, Spider Style

Male nursery web spiders aren't necessarily punished for giving false gifts

The Terkezi Oasis in Chad, as seen from Landsat 7

A Ghostly Scream From the Sahara

Superstitious sitings may have a root in human evolution

A side-blotched lizard in Utah

The Lizards That Live Rock-Paper-Scissors

Three color varieties each have advantages and disadvantages relative to the others

Australopithecus sediba had a hand built for making stone tools

Fossil Finds Complicate Search for Human Ancestor

A new analysis of a 2-million-year-old hominid shows that it had an intriguing mix of australopithecine and Homo-like traits

Woolly rhinos may have used their flattened horns to sweep away snow and expose edible vegetation underneath.

Woolly Rhino May Have Been A Tibetan Native

When the Ice Age began, these large mammals spread out to northern Asia and Europe

Kanzi the bonobo is quite the musician

Six Talking Apes

“Talking” apes are not just the stuff of science fiction; scientists have taught many apes to use some semblance of language

Still from Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Rise of the Chimp Movies

Project Nim and Rise of the Planet of the Apes are very different movies, but both question the ethics of chimpanzee research


The Cambrian Explosion in Song

What does a music teacher do when he ends up teaching science?

Scientists are still trying to figure out why primates have excellent vision.

Snake-Spotting Theory Brings Primate Vision into Focus

Do camouflaged predators explain why monkeys, apes and other primates evolved superior eyesight?

One of the most famous hominid fossils is the skull of a 3-year-old child found in Taung, South Africa. The child lived about three million to two million years ago. The skull has holes punched into its eye sockets; they were made by the talons of a large bird akin to an African crowned eagle.

The Top Ten Deadliest Animals of Our Evolutionary Past

Humans may be near the top of the food chain now, but who were our ancestors’ biggest predators?

Clarence Darrow was a trial attorney made famous for his defense of a Tennessee educator accused of breaking a state law banning the teaching of evolution in public schools.

Everything You Didn’t Know About Clarence Darrow

A newly released book brings new insight into the trial attorney made famous by the Scopes monkey trial


A Flowering Plant, Set in Stone


Five Reasons Anti-Evolution Measures are a Bad Idea

This is the story of a missing link that never was.

Piltdown Man, Paleoanthropology's April Fool's

This is the story of a missing link that never was


When is the Right Time to Mate?


Why Bird Brains Bloom in Spring

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