Cool Finds

This Drone Hunts Down Apple Disease

These drones are striking against a different kind of enemy: apple scab

Dell Laptop Users Weren’t Crazy, Their Keyboards Really Did Smell Like Cat Urine

Some users speculate that polymers could have been to blame, though others pointed to nitrogen, one of the main components of urine

Screenshot from Un Chien Andalou, the Surrealist film that Dalí collaborated on with Luis Buñuel

Salvador Dali Suffered From the Irrational Fear That Insects Were Crawling All Over His Skin

The condition is almost always accompanied by tactile hallucinations of crawling sensations and visual hallucinations of the non-existent insects


This Eagle Statue Is One of the Greatest Romano-British Artworks Ever Discovered

Archeologists in London just turned up a pristine 1,800-year old Roman statue of an eagle devouring a serpent


Watch People Drawing Their Own Brains

Beware, your brain can force you to spend a lot more time than you might think watching these

What Is Sex Like for Someone with Synesthesia?

The researchers found that the people with synesthesia seem to go into more of a trance during sex than those without


Appreciate the Mathematical Beauty of Every Day Objects

Given math's applicability to everything in our world and beyond, it's not so far fetched to think that a theory of everything really does exist

Lockheed Martin’s networked spy rocks

Networked Rocks Could Let the Military Keep an Ear on the Ground

These rocks can not only spy on you, they can communicate with each other and report back to base


Here’s How to Make a Canoe Out of a Tree Trunk

The boats are fashioned entirely by hand using simple tools, and traditionally are carved from magongo tree wood

How One 17th Century Scholar Reconciled Newly Discovered Species And the Space on Noah’s Ark

Here's how Bishop John Wilkins got all the animals to fit on Noah's Ark

Read Seamus Heaney’s Last Known, Previously Unpublished Poem

Two months before he died, Heaney wrote "In a Field" at the request of poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy

How Does a Tea Kettle Whistle?

This might seem like an obvious question, but it turns out that no one has looked into it until now


Hibernation Doesn’t Have to Be Cold

Hibernation tends to go hand-in-hand with cold temperatures, but the greater mouse-tailed bat hibernates at a comfortable 68-degrees Fahrenheit

Men Shop for Groceries, And Food Companies Are Noticing

Those companies have designed dark, bold packaging and bigger "man-sized" portions


The Most Isolated Tree in the World Was Killed by a (Probably Drunk) Driver

The acacia was the only tree for 250 miles in Niger's Sahara desert and was used as a landmark by travelers and caravans

Should EpiPens Be Stocked Everywhere People Eat?

Laws are in the works to get EpiPens into schools and restaurants

(Not the temple in question)

Ancient Buddhist Frescoes in China Got Painted Over with Cartoons

he temple affairs head and the the cultural heritage monitoring team lead have both lost their jobs, and the Communist party chief has been scolded

What Is the Exactly Perfect Time to Drink Your Coffee?

It's a good thing that science is here to figure out the exact perfect way to drink a cup of coffee

Before Hollywood Had Ratings, Films Were Way Racier

In the 1934 movie Murder at the Vanities there's a whole musical number about the pleasures of marijuana sung by half naked women

A High Schooler Discovered the Best Fossil Yet of a Baby Tube-Crested Dinosaur

The new fossil, nicknamed "Joe," sheds light on its species' characteristic tube-like head formation

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