Climate Change


Television Chefs’ Recipes Aren’t Any Healthier Than Packaged TV Dinners

Don't be fooled by a television chef's home style kitchen and their television figures - the food TV chefs make may be worse for you than the supermarket variety


The Ten Best Ocean Stories of 2012

From deep-sea squid habits to vanishing coral reefs, here are the ocean stories we couldn’t stop talking about this year.

The IPCC’s famous “hocket stick” chart of global temperatures.

Is the U.N. Climate Report More Trouble Than It’s Worth?

Several mainstream scientists are expressing doubts about the necessity of the IPCC reports


Not Even Canadians Are Likely To Get a White Christmas This Year

The odds of a white Christmas has dropped 15% in recent decades

Without cutting emissions by 2020, avoiding catastrophic levels of global warming, including ice melt and sea level rise, will be extremely unlikely.

Climate Change Tipping Point: Research Shows That Emission Reductions Must Occur by 2020

A new report indicates that we have roughly 8 years to cut fossil fuel use without risking catastrophic levels of warming

A graphic data readout of the a collision of two protons, briefly producing a Higgs Boson, from the Large Hadron Collider.

Mythical Particles, Goldilocks Planets and More: Top 5 Surprising Scientific Milestones of 2012

From the Higgs Boson to the Curiosity rover, 2012 was a major year for science


Your Christmas Tree Helps Fight Climate Change

The key for trapping carbon lies in the soil, rather than the trees.

The Lake Ellsworth drilling camp

British Scientists Will Drill Through Three Kilometers of Ice Into an Ancient Antarctic Lake

More than a decade of planning will come together this week for a five-day push through three kilometers of ice


Climate Change May Have Driven Genghis Khan’s Army Across Eurasia

A multidecadal blip in temperature and rainfall patterns may have spurred the rise of the Mongol Empire

Climate justice protestors in Doha.

It’s the Final Day of the Doha Climate Talks, And, Uh, Did Anything Actually Happen?

Reports from Doha don't provide much hope that any progress has been made on the increasingly urgent issue of global climate change


Urbanization Is Supersizing Spiders

City-dwelling spiders are bigger than their country-living brethren


Watch All of 2012′s Hurricanes in One Video

Today marks the end of hurricane season. Here's the run down on the year, and every storm on one animation

After decades of uncertainty, a new study confirms that both polar ice sheets are melting.

Confirmed: Both Antarctica and Greenland Are Losing Ice

After decades of uncertainty, a new study confirms that both polar ice sheets are melting

Divers explore Kauai’s reefs

A Mysterious Disease Is Killing Hawaii’s Coral

Conservationists and divers alike are on edge over a mysterious disease sweeping through coral reefs in Kauai


How Seriously Might Climate Negotiators Be Dooming The Rest of Us This Week?

The COP18 climate change conference is going on in Doha, Qatar until December 7th

Scientist and explorer A. E. Nordenskiöld first navigated the Northeast Passage in 1878.

Gas Tanker to Cross Autumn Arctic Ocean Carrying Natural Gas to Japan

A tanker, carrying natural gas to Japan, has set out on a dangerous autumn trip through the Northeast Passage

Antarctic Animals Are Dissolving

Scientists have warned about ocean acidification for years, but now it's actually happening


UN Climate Talks Start Monday: Here’s Your 83-Second Primer

For the 18th consecutive year, world leaders will try to figure out what to do about climate change


The Arctic Is Running Out of Snow Even Faster Than It’s Running Out of Ice

The Arctic is losing snow cover twice as fast as it is losing sea ice


Here’s the Reality We’re Signing Up For By Letting Climate Change Happen

Say goodbye to winter, New Orleans, olive oil, rivers and world peace if climate change plays out as predicted

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