Climate Change


There Goes the Ecosystem: Alien Animals Invade Antarctica

Humanity is well on its way to screwing up Antarctic and the Southern Ocean in addition to the warmer corners of the world


What Is the Anthropocene and Are We in It?

Efforts to label the human epoch have ignited a scientific debate between geologists and environmentalists

Wetlands at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.

How Will the Wetlands Respond to Climate Change?

Smithsonian scientists have taken to the Chesapeake Bay to investigate how marshlands react to the shifting environment

Comet ISON, still just a faint glimmer at the crosshairs of this telescope image, could be the brightest comet in a generation next November.

5 Science Stories to Watch in 2013

The new year could feature discoveries of life within subglacial Antarctic lakes, the brightest comet in generations and more


Super High Res Photo of Mt. Everest Shows Glacier Melt (But No Bodies)

Photographers from the organization Glacier Works just captured an interactive digital image of Mount Everest in astounding, gigapixel detail

New research suggests that most Arctic mammals may actually benefit from climate change. Arctic specialists like the Arctic fox, however, may not do quite so well.

Most Arctic Animals Should Deal With Climate Change Just Fine

New research suggests that most Arctic mammals will actually be helped, not hurt, by climate change


The Sustainable Meat of the Future: Mealworms?

Mealworms might seem unpalatable to many, but a new study indicates that they might be the climate-friendly protein alternative of the future


Television Chefs’ Recipes Aren’t Any Healthier Than Packaged TV Dinners

Don't be fooled by a television chef's home style kitchen and their television figures - the food TV chefs make may be worse for you than the supermarket variety


The Ten Best Ocean Stories of 2012

From deep-sea squid habits to vanishing coral reefs, here are the ocean stories we couldn’t stop talking about this year.

The IPCC’s famous “hocket stick” chart of global temperatures.

Is the U.N. Climate Report More Trouble Than It’s Worth?

Several mainstream scientists are expressing doubts about the necessity of the IPCC reports


Not Even Canadians Are Likely To Get a White Christmas This Year

The odds of a white Christmas has dropped 15% in recent decades

Without cutting emissions by 2020, avoiding catastrophic levels of global warming, including ice melt and sea level rise, will be extremely unlikely.

Climate Change Tipping Point: Research Shows That Emission Reductions Must Occur by 2020

A new report indicates that we have roughly 8 years to cut fossil fuel use without risking catastrophic levels of warming

A graphic data readout of the a collision of two protons, briefly producing a Higgs Boson, from the Large Hadron Collider.

Mythical Particles, Goldilocks Planets and More: Top 5 Surprising Scientific Milestones of 2012

From the Higgs Boson to the Curiosity rover, 2012 was a major year for science


Your Christmas Tree Helps Fight Climate Change

The key for trapping carbon lies in the soil, rather than the trees.

The Lake Ellsworth drilling camp

British Scientists Will Drill Through Three Kilometers of Ice Into an Ancient Antarctic Lake

More than a decade of planning will come together this week for a five-day push through three kilometers of ice


Climate Change May Have Driven Genghis Khan’s Army Across Eurasia

A multidecadal blip in temperature and rainfall patterns may have spurred the rise of the Mongol Empire

Climate justice protestors in Doha.

It’s the Final Day of the Doha Climate Talks, And, Uh, Did Anything Actually Happen?

Reports from Doha don't provide much hope that any progress has been made on the increasingly urgent issue of global climate change


Urbanization Is Supersizing Spiders

City-dwelling spiders are bigger than their country-living brethren


Watch All of 2012′s Hurricanes in One Video

Today marks the end of hurricane season. Here's the run down on the year, and every storm on one animation

After decades of uncertainty, a new study confirms that both polar ice sheets are melting.

Confirmed: Both Antarctica and Greenland Are Losing Ice

After decades of uncertainty, a new study confirms that both polar ice sheets are melting

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