How Researchers Are Beginning to Gently Probe the Science Behind ASMR
Once a mysterious Internet phenomenon, "tingleheads" are starting to get real scientific attention
Neuroscientists Unlock the Secrets of Memory Champions
Boosting your ability to remember lists, from facts to faces, is a matter of retraining your brain
Why Is Itching So Contagious?
Scientists figure out how compulsive scratching spreads in mice, and maybe humans
Ancient Brain Training Technique Can Boost Memory
Participants who practiced the Memory Palace method for 40 days showed changes in brain activity and improved memory months later
Bees Can Learn to Play “Soccer.” Score One for Insect Intelligence
Small as they are, bumblebee brains are surprisingly capable of mastering novel, complex tasks
Why Mind Wandering Can Be So Miserable, According to Happiness Experts
We still don’t know why our minds seem so determined to exit the present moment, but researchers have a few ideas
Patients With Locked-in Syndrome May Be Able to Communicate After All
A new use for brain-computer interfaces gives insight to life with ALS
Revel in These Wondrous Drawings by the Father of Neuroscience
A new book and exhibition pay homage to Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s impressive powers of observation
How Scientists Reconstructed the Brain of a Long-Extinct Beast
This dog-like marsupial went extinct 80 years ago, but its preserved brains help us glean how its mind worked
A Wise Monkey Knows How Little He Knows
Japanese scientists find that macaque monkeys, like humans, know the limits of their own memory
Could Flickering Lights Help Treat Alzheimer’s?
A flashy MIT study changes perspective on the disease
The Part of Your Brain That Recognizes Faces Continues Growing Later in Life
That is, at least until you hit 30
Feel the Music—Literally—With Some Help From New Synesthesia Research
How one artist created a show inspired by the neurological experience of synesthesia
Scientists Spot Cognitive Decline in Famous Artists’ Brushstrokes
Could paintings hold clues to Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases?
Dyslexia May Be the Brain Struggling to Adapt
The learning disorder may be less a problem with language processing, and more a problem with the brain rewiring itself
Why Do Flashing Images Cause Seizures?
For people with epilepsy, a flashing screen can be more than a passing annoyance
What's Really Keeping Monkeys From Speaking Their Minds? Their Minds
When it comes to language, primates have all the right vocal equipment. They just lack the brains
What Does It Take to Win a Nobel Prize? Four Winners, in Their Own Words
Some answers: Messiness, ignorance and puzzles
You May Not Have Rhythm, But Your Eyeballs Sure Do
Tracking eye movement gives researchers a peek into how the brain reacts to music
Drilling Deep: How Ancient Chinese Surgeons Opened Skulls and Minds
A new review finds evidence that the Chinese performed trepanation more than 3,500 years ago
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