Smart News Arts & Culture

New Zealand’s Iconic Pōhutukawa Tree May Have Roots in Australia

Fossils belonging to the pōhutukawa’s ancient ancestors were found on the coast of Tasmania

British Camp Hill Fort in Herefordshire

Cool Finds

Explore Ancient British Isles Hill Forts with a New Online Atlas

The atlas lists over 4,000 of the structures that dot the landscape, used as gathering spots for Bronze and Iron Age Britons

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Famous Shriveled Toe Returned to Yukon Bar

The key ingredient in the Sourtoe Cocktail, the dried-out digit was mailed back on Thursday

Wearing white with a white headscarf to St. John's Eve is an important part of the celebration.

American South

Voodoo Priestess Marie Laveau Created New Orleans’ Midsummer Festival

Mardi Gras may be the city's biggest party, but St. John's Eve is its most important religious festival

The Flamingo's 'Champagne Tower' was one of the first big pieces of neon on the Strip, seen in films like 'Viva Las Vegas.' It was installed in 1953 and removed in 1967.

The Stylish Flamingo Hotel Shaped the Las Vegas Strip

The Flamingo, still operating today, is the oldest hotel on the Strip

Bob Fosse was a mean dancer himself–here he is playing the snake in 1974's "The Little Prince."

Choreographer Bob Fosse Is the Forgotten Author of Modern Musicals

Fosse's signature style influenced everything from Michael Jackson to today's musicals

Today's Girl Scouts, tomorrow's cybersleuths.

Cool Finds

New Badges Will Make Today's Girl Scouts Tomorrow's Cybersleuths

Camping and cookie sales are just the tip of the iceberg for modern scouts

"My Family Is Lost," created by a teenage refugee, is on display at London's Oxo Tower.

London Exhibit Showcases Powerful Artwork Created by Teenage Refugees

“All I Left Behind. All I Will Discover” includes pieces by 80 teens who fled to the UK

The ruins of the al-Nuri mosque

Mosul’s Great Mosque of al-Nuri Destroyed by ISIS Militants

The 12th-century mosque’s leaning minaret was one of Mosul’s most recognizable landmarks

Image of Mount St. Helens plume found in a thrift store camera

Cool Finds

Camera Film Reveals Images of the Mount St. Helens Eruption

A photographer developed the film found at a Goodwill, revealing images of the ash plume from the 1980 eruption that killed 57

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna shot her own mirror selfie in 1913. The picture,taken five years before she was killed, shows a young woman of 13 looking herself in the eye, stabilizing the camera on a chair in front of a mirror.

Take a Peep at This Gallery of Historic Selfies

People have been photographing themselves almost since the dawn of the technology

Tonedall Mills, once a large textile mill, is listed as an at-risk property in the 'Up My Street' catalogue.

UK Charity Calls On Developers to Save At-Risk Buildings

The ‘Up My Street’ catalogue profiles 100 historic properties in desperate need of repair

Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait, 1963-64
Acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas

Andy Warhol’s First Self-Portrait Is Headed to Auction

The artist transformed a photo booth image into a vibrant, turquoise print

Louie, having one last drink at the bar before heading home.

Trending Today

132-Year-Old Lobster Earns a Pardon from the Pot

Louie, a 22-pound crustacean born during the Cleveland administration, returned to the sea after 20 years living at Peter's Clam Bar

The house where somebody murdered Lizzie Borden's father and stepmother in 1892. She was acquitted almost a year later.

Lizzie Borden Didn’t Kill Her Parents (Maybe)

Borden was acquitted of the crime on this day in 1893, but no one else was ever charged


Nobody Is Sure Why they Call It a ‘Martini’

Tastes just as good, though

Tasty Art Installation Lets Visitors Pick Their Own Fruit

At the Stoneview Nature Center in Los Angeles, fruit trees are arranged according to the colors of the rainbow

A family practicing the art of sauntering on a Sunday in 1942 in Greenbelt, Maryland.

On World Sauntering Day, Take a Walk

It's good for you

Oregon Becomes First State to Issue Gender Non-Binary ID Cards

Those who do not identify as male or female will be able to select “X” for non-specified gender when applying for IDs

Traditional Polynesian Vessel to Complete Round-the-World Journey

The Hōkūleʻa’s crew did not use any modern navigational devices, instead relying on the stars, waves, and clouds to guide them

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