
Take a tour of the official state guest house for the President of the United States, shown here in 1951.

Events September 18-20: Free Love, Edward Hopper and Historic Houses

This week, take in some spoken word, learn more about the artist behind iconic scenes and tour the official guest house of U.S. presidents

Only in New York: The Lady in Lime Green

As models flaunt designer wear during fashion week, a subway rider imparts her own bold style

This weekend families can help create saw-dust carpets, a 400-year-old tradition in Guatemala, where everyone lends a hand to create colorful works of art.

¡It’s Dia de la Familia at American History!

Joann Stevens from the American History Museum looks to Saturday's grooving festivities, marking a month of programming for Hispanic Heritage Month

An Ingenious Way of Shaming Politicians Into Fixing Potholes

A group of annoyed citizens in Yekaterinburg, Russia, reached their wits' end with the many potholes dotting city roads, so decided to take action

Homemade wheat bread

How Well Have You Kept Your 2012 Resolutions?

As 2012 comes to a close, our food writer takes stock of his progress on fulfilling his personal promises


Sinking a Sauropod

Paleontologists are naming new dinosaurs every week, but some names are eventually sent to the scientific wastebasket


Environmental Research Center Opens Its Doors for Family Day

Family Fall Day gives visitors the chance to see research on the bay up close


Scientists Manipulate Brainwaves of Cocaine-Addled Monkeys to Improve Decision-Making

By stimulating neural activity with electrodes, researchers boosted the mental skills of rhesus monkeys under the influence of cocaine


Will Hound Hunting in California Be Banned?

Hunters say that the practice brings to life a natural drama between predators. But to many others, the practice is little more than wildlife harassment

P-047, a film as mysterious as its title suggests, plays Friday night at the Freer Gallery.

Events September 14-16: Breaking and Entering, White House Pups, and a Fiesta


Outlining Olorotitan

A new study reexamines the skeleton of Olorotitan, a lovely hadrosaur from Russia


Picture-Perfect Bonsai

In a new book, botanical photographer Jonathan Singer focuses his lens on the potted plants

Scientists are learning that bacteria play a crucial role in our digestion of food, including our intake of fats.

Biologists Pinpoint Bacteria That Increase Digestive Intake of Fat

A new study in zebrafish found that certain types of gut bacteria lead to a greater absorption of fat during digestion


Wearable Tech Makes a Fashion Statement

When models wore Google's goggles on the runway, it signaled that the next wave of digital devices may actually go post-geek.

Acupuncture Barbie suffers from chronic pain.

Acupuncture Might Actually Work (Surprise! It Probably Doesn’t)

A recent study suggesting acupuncture is medically effective is not without flaws

Researchers say a voting message campaign by Facebook sent an estimated 340,000 people to the polls in 2010.

How A Facebook Experiment Increased Real World Election Turnout

On Election Day 2010, a message displayed on Facebook news feeds drove 340,000 Americans to the polls, according to a new study


The Unknown Story of "The Black Cyclone," the Cycling Champion Who Broke the Color Barrier

Major Taylor had to brave more than the competition to become one of the most acclaimed cyclists of the world

Catalog mockup for IKEA’s Strand East neighborhood in London

Franchising Neighborhoods: Can IKEA Sell Urban Design?

As part of a long-term investment plan, the Swedish furniture retailer is planning to construct entire neighborhoods in England and Germany


Remembering When JFK Sent Us to the Moon

President Kennedy bolstered American support for his mission to the Moon with a speech at Rice University in 1962

Fashion Week kicked off September 6, but here at the Smithsonian, it’s always Fashion Week.

Fashion Week at the Smithsonian

From Franklin to Seinfeld, Monroe to Obama, America's fashionable past lives at the American History Museum

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