
Viewers watch a movie at Shankweiler’s drive-in during the heyday of drive-in theaters.

The History of the Drive-In Movie Theater

The continued attraction of viewing movies under the stars


Camping It Up, Korean Style

A new Korean movie-musical poses the question: Does the quintessentially American teenage sex comedy have global cultural significance?

Coming Soon to a Cineplex Far, Far Away

Fort Matanzas, about fifty feet long on each side, was constructed of coquina, a local stone formed from clam shells and quarried from a nearby island.

America's First True "Pilgrims"

An excerpt from Kenneth C. Davis's new book explains they arrived half a century before the Mayflower reached Plymouth Rock


No Touch-Ups Necessary

Fossil Parrot Beats Monty Python by 55 Million Years


Journalists Injured on Assignment

Raffaele Reports on His Recovery


Rogues Gallery

Ten of the most incredible art heists of the modern era

Robert Rauschenberg in 1969

Recalling Robert Rauschenberg

On the artist’s innovative spirit

The east side of Deer Isle is called Sunshine and is home to beautiful vacation houses, as well as some of the country's largest lobster-holding tanks. Sylvester Cove is in Sunset, on the island's western side, which is also home to the Island Country Club, where the roadside sign proclaims "public welcome."

Snapshot: Deer Isle

Natural beauty abounds on Maine’s second-largest coastal island


Rauschenberg’s Work Ethic


Polar Bears Listed as Threatened

A horse touted as being from the Tang dynasty, but with only one genuine part in the unglazed underside.

Forensic Science for Antiques

Revealing art secrets—and exposing forgeries


Quake Strikes Heart of Panda Country

Thomas Alva Edison by Alfred S. Seer Engraver; Copy after: Mathew B. Brady, Color woodcut poster, c. 1878

All in a Word


Penguins Find DDT in Meltwater

Filing cabinets full of fakes at the Museum of Fakes

Showcasing Shams

At the Museum of Fakes, what's not real is still art


Take a Close Look

I Can't Live Without That. . . Necklace?


I Can't Live Without That. . .Necklace?

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