Beetles Wearing Tiny, Robotic Camera Backpacks Give Bugs-Eye View of the World
The wireless, lightweight and steerable device expands the possibilities for miniature cameras
Businesses Can Now Buy Spot, Boston Dynamics' Robotic 'Dog'
The four-legged robot sells for about $75,000
Singapore Is Using a Robotic Dog to Enforce Proper Social Distancing During COVID-19
Spot "barks" orders anytime people are standing too close
How Robots Are on the Front Lines in the Battle Against COVID-19
Helping health care workers treat patients and public safety officials contain the pandemic, these robots offer lessons for future disasters
This Robotic Hand Stays Cool by Sweating
The robot is three times more efficient at sweating than the animal kingdom's best, humans and horses
‘PigeonBot’ Uses Real Feathers to Fly Like a Bird
The flying robot is better at following directions than its namesake
Scientists Assemble Frog Stem Cells Into First 'Living Machines'
The so-called 'xenobots' could replace traditional metal or plastic robots without polluting the planet, but they raise ethical questions
Helping Delivery Robots Find Your Front Door
With a new navigation system from MIT, robots can decipher common landscape features, even in an unfamiliar environment
Five Roles Robots Will Play in the Future of Farming
From picking fruit to pulling weeds, robotics are bringing precision farming to life
How Tiny, Microbe-Propelled Bots Could Deliver Drugs in Our Bodies
Researchers are developing 'hybrid biological microrobots' to target cancer and do other work in the body
These High-Tech Scarecrows Will Keep Pesky Creatures Away
From robots to digitized recordings, farmers are upping their game when it comes to protecting their crops
'Robotic Worm' Could Be the Future of Stroke Care
The hydrogel-covered wire can be guided through the brain via magnets to bust up blood clots
How Biology Inspires Future Technology
Bioengineers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute showcase their ingenious medical, industrial and environmental designs at the Cooper Hewitt
Robotic Hand Restores Wearer’s Sense of Touch
The prosthetic enabled a test subject to pick up an egg without cracking it, send a text message, peel a banana and hold his wife's hand
Seoul Will Welcome a Robot Science Museum Constructed by Robots
Robots and drones will be involved in all aspects of the project, including design, manufacture and assembly
With Opportunity Lost, NASA Confronts the Tenuous Future of Mars Exploration
Following decades of continuous flights to Mars, NASA is facing a shortage of missions
How NASA's Opportunity Rover Made Mars Part of Earth
After more than 15 years exploring the surface of Mars, the Opportunity rover has finally roved its last leg
Scientists Used a Robot to Study How Prehistoric Lizards Walked
OroBOT, a robot version of an ancestor to the dinosaurs, is helping fill in some gaps in the evolution of walking
These Technologies Could Put an End to Leaky Water Mains
Two inventors have come up with radically different approaches to try to solve the widespread problem of aging water infrastructure
This New Technique Could Revolutionize the Future of Art Reproduction
RePaint renders reproductions in color four times closer to the original than the next-best tool
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