New Research

The Sun Is Spraying Water Into Space

When the solar wind hits oxygen-rich rocks, water can form

What do roses smell like?

English Speakers Are Bad at Identifying and Describing Smells

But is this a problem with our noses, or with English?

A computer simulation of how the Hope Diamond likely appeared when it was owned by King Louis XIV of France. The sunburst inside the stone results from specially-cut facets on its back, which produce a translucent area that conveys the color of the diamond's gold mounting.

The Hope Diamond Was Once a Symbol for Louis XIV, the Sun King

New research indicates that the stone was once specially cut to produce an image of a sun when mounted on a gold background

Researchers recreated what the 7,000 year-old man likely looked like.

Just Call This Hunter-Gatherer Ol' Blue-Eyes

DNA from an ancient human tooth found in a cave in Spain reveals one European hunter-gatherer's complexion

A rare atmospheric anomaly in December filled the Grand Canyon with fog.

The Grand Canyon Is Young And Old, All at the Same Time

Geologically, the Grand Canyon is a baby, but you might say it has an old soul

The supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* at the center of the Milky Way.

Stephen Hawking Thinks Black Holes Don’t Exist

And he's been trying to tell the rest of us for a decade

Dogs Can Get Sexually Transmitted Cancer, And They’ve Been Spreading It for Millenia

This contagious cancer has spread from a single dog that lived 11,000 years ago

A New Device Can Use The Motion of a Beating Heart to Produce Electricity

Piezoelectric generators turn motion into electricity

Ready for a lifetime struggle for independence.

Twins Spend Their Whole Lives Trying to be Different From One Another

Many twins struggle to cultivate their own identities while being so similar to one another. And that struggle lasts a lifetime

Fun for everybody.

Simply Having a Gay Straight Alliance Reduces Suicide Risk for All Students

In schools with GSAs heterosexual boys were half as likely to attempt suicide

Ceres, as seen by Hubble.

An Oasis in the Void: Dwarf Planet Ceres Is Venting Water

Ceres is a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter

Seriously, Just Stay in Bed: Fever-Reducing Pills May Boost Flu Transmission

Nixing a fever boosts virus replication, which could result in additional transmission

Being on the beach helps too.

You Can Get Placebo Sleep

Simply thinking you got better sleep makes your brain work better

This Crazy Anemone Hangs Upside Down From the Antarctic Ice Shelf

<i>Edwardsiella andrillae</i> pop their tentacles out to feed

Beautiful, beautiful vaporized dirt.

Vaporized Dirt Might Be the Mysterious Cause of Ball Lightning

An analysis of one ball's contents found silicon, iron and calcium—the main components of dirt

Not the best place to get diarrhea.

What Does Space Do To Your Microbiome?

Nobody wants E. coli on a trip to Mars

Halal meat is, usually, free of pork.

Study Finds that Halal Meat in Iran is Contaminated With Pork

Halal meat is supposed to adhere to strict religious rules, but a new study suggests it isn’t quite so spotless

Alise Ojay claims that a series of routine vocalizations, performed 20 minutes a day over the course of less than a month, can reduce snoring significantly.

The Cure For Snoring Is...Singing?

Choir director Alise Ojay's vocal exercises have been shown to work throat muscles that help silence the snorer within

Two Pints of Water Can Contain the DNA of Thousands of Fish

Two pints of water from a 1.2 million gallon tank were all that was needed to identify 13,000 fish

An elephant seal from the Kerguelen islands with a logger device attached to his head, just before his departure back to sea.

Seals Are Scientists' Little Helpers for Collecting Ocean Data

For the past 10 years, hundreds of seals equipped with special headgear have collected crucial data on ocean temperature and salinity for scientists

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