

Pollution May Be Crippling Chinese Men’s Sperm

The problem likely reaches beyond China, as some researchers have reported a worldwide decline in average sperm counts

Would you use these crystals in your kitchen if they were called “super delicious umami crystals?”

It’s the Umami, Stupid. Why the Truth About MSG is So Easy to Swallow

Few remember that the food pariah and hot trend are so closely connected

Stop That Foot Massage! Feet Are Not an Erogenous Zone

If you've been begrudgingly giving foot massages, you might want to check with your partner to see if they actually like them

Damming and dredging a California river for gold

The Gold Rush Left Behind Mercury That’s Still Contaminating California

Leftover mercury will continue to flush through the environment, eventually making its way into the San Francisco bay, for the next 10,000 years

Franken Berry cereal was originally released in 1971 by General Mills with his monster-buddy Count Chocula.

Franken Berry, the Beloved Halloween Cereal, Was Once Medically Found to Cause Pink Poop

The red dye used in the popular breakfast cereal resulted in several cases of the benign condition

Screenshot from Un Chien Andalou, the Surrealist film that Dalí collaborated on with Luis Buñuel

Salvador Dali Suffered From the Irrational Fear That Insects Were Crawling All Over His Skin

The condition is almost always accompanied by tactile hallucinations of crawling sensations and visual hallucinations of the non-existent insects

Should EpiPens Be Stocked Everywhere People Eat?

Laws are in the works to get EpiPens into schools and restaurants

Why the Avocado Should Have Gone the Way of the Dodo

Its large pit and fleshy deliciousness are all a result of its status as an evolutionary anachronism

What Is the Exactly Perfect Time to Drink Your Coffee?

It's a good thing that science is here to figure out the exact perfect way to drink a cup of coffee

A street scene in Harbin

Air Pollution Closed Schools in China

Officials blamed the influx of smog on three factors—windless conditions, bonfires of harvested corn stalks and a fired-up municipal heating system

Female Breast Tissue Ages Three Years Faster Than the Rest of the Body

Not all your tissue ages at the same rate, according to new research on systems to identify and age human cells

Up to 31,000 People in Britain Carry the Prion for Mad Cow Disease

What this means for the people who silently carry the abnormal protein, however, remains unknown

Luke Skywalker’s prosthetic hand from The Empire Strikes Back

Advances in Prosthetic Limbs Brings Back a Sense of Touch

This new prosthetic mimicked rhesus macaques' sense of touch


Music Makes Working Out Hurt Less

Music doesn't solely work by distracting us or syncing our motions up with its encouraging beat

Ritual Attacks on People Living With Albinism Go Largely Uninvestigated

Around one in 1,000 people in some African ethnic groups are born with albinism

All Those Pink Products Make Women Take Breast Cancer Less Seriously

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, which means that everywhere you go things are painted pink - which might be a bad thing

Even Babies Can Be Depressed

For a long time, people didn't believe that children could become depressed, but they certainly can


There’s a New Breed of Botulism, And We Don’t Have a Cure for It

It's new, it's deadly, and it fights off our best anti-toxins

Some scientists think that our compatibility genes—the same genes that determine whether an organ transplant will take—play a role in sexual attraction.

We Know Your Genes Can Influence Your Health, But Can They Also Influence Who You Love?

The same genes that dictate whether or not you can accept an organ transplant may guide your choice in a romantic partner


Times of Famine Linked to Disproportionate Number of Female Births

Cultural factors like selective abortions de not explain the trend, rather it seems evolutionary biology does

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