Cool Finds


Yesterday’s Google Doodle Celebrates Little Nemo, Takes You Back to Childhood Fantasy Land

Yesterday's Google Doodle celebrated the 107th anniversary of Little Nemo in Slumberland, a comic strip by Winsor McCay that hit the presses for nine years


To Avoid Poison Ivy Rashes, Make the Plant’s Sap Glow

What happens when a geologist who's immune to the poison ivy, marries a chemist who's allergic?

Digital Laser Scans of Stonehenge Reveal Ancient Graffiti

The first complete 3D laser scan of Stonehenge's prehistoric stone circle revealed ancient graffiti and alignment with the winter and summer solstice


The Scientific Reason Lena Dunham Got a $3.5 Million Book Advance

Last week, Random House offered a whopping $3.5 million for Lena Dunham's first book, Not That Kind of Girl - but why?


100-Million-Year-Old Spider Caught in the Act of Pouncing on Its Prey

A rare fossil captured a 100-million-year-old moment in time, a spider attacking an insect trapped in its web


This Helmet Knows When You’ve Crashed And Calls for Help

A new helmet, registering the impact of a mini-van's passenger door on your body, has sent out a signal for medical assistance


This is a Map of Every War Ever

The Battle of Jericho is the first entry in a massive project that sees the dates, locations, and brief descriptions for thousands of human conflicts overlaid on a scrollable, zoom-able map


Robots Will Soon Assemble Your Ikea Furniture for You

What if you never had to assemble another Malm again? Enter: the robots


The Residents of Tolkien’s Middle Earth Are 81 Percent Male

Life expectancy, gender breakdown, and declining longevity, and interesting trivia abound


Emily Dickinson: The Remix

An ode to the poet, in four takes

Elevator Awkwardness Explained


There’s a 235-Pound, 15-Week-Old, Cuter Than Cute Baby Walrus Coming to NYC

A 15-week-old baby walrus rescued from Alaska arrives in New York City tomorrow


Saudi Arabia, World’s Largest Oil Exporter, Pushes for Solar at Home

Saudi Arabia is going green so that it can keep selling its oil


Shrew-Eating Scientists Show Humans Can Digest Bone

Scientists set out to measure how well we digest bone by swallowing a whole shrew, but was that really necessary?

It’s Definitive: Rose and Jack Could Both Have Survived in Titanic

Perhaps Jack was just dumb for not climbing onto the raft


You Don’t Know As Much As You Think You Do

Basically, most of what you think you know might be wrong


The FBI Would Like Everyone To Stop Shooting Lasers at Airplanes

Shooting a laser at an airplane could get you 20 years in prison


The U.S. Air Force’s Plan To Build a Flying Saucer

Newly-released schematics show the plans for a failed flying saucer

Rogue Ales is planning on brewing a new beer from beard yeast.

Brewmaster Makes Beer From His Beard Yeast

Most fermenting species of yeast are found on animals, insects and rotting fruit, so cultivating yeast from a person's body might not be that far-fetched

Are You an Expert? If Not, Forget the 4-Hour Work Week

The seemingly too-good-to-be-true 4-hour workweek has a few glaring caveats

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