Crayfish Have Been Secretly Spreading a Deadly Frog Epidemic
The more we can learn about how chytrid fungus spreads and attacks, the better chances we have at saving the world's amphibians
A Brand New Bee Was Just Named After Sheldon From ‘The Big Bang Theory’
Andre Nemesio and his team just named a brand new orchid bee Euglossa bazinga, after the catch phrase used by Sheldon Cooper
There’s an Explanation for What’s Killing Thousands of Squid in California
For residents of the central California coast there might finally be an explanation for why thousands of dead squid have littered their beaches this week
Hunt for African Wildlife From Your Computer
A new citizen science project lets you in to the beautiful world of Serengeti National Park
The Most Exclusive Coffee in the World Is Harvested From Elephant Poo
Two cups of the so-called Black Ivory coffee cost around $50, while a pound of the digested beans total a tidy $500
Environmentalists Want To Keep Oil Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Wait, What?
Oil companies want to pull their rigs from the Gulf, but environmentalists are saying "no"
Google Gives Millions To Build Poacher-Hunting Drones
Google has joined Hillary Clinton, basketball star Yao Ming and countless wildlife organizations in the battle against illegal wildlife trade
Stylish But Illegal Monkey Caught at Ikea
A confused monkey wearing a shearling coat and diaper was found wandering around outside an Ikea store in Toronto
Catfish Are Teaching Themselves to Catch Pigeons
In southwestern France, catfish are throwing themselves on the shore to catch pigeons
Lions Are Disappearing From Africa
Research shows that lions are quickly disappearing across Africa's once-thriving Savannah due to human population growth and massive land use conversion
The Top 10 Animal Superpowers
So you think Spiderman’s and Catwoman’s special powers are impressive. They’re nothing compared to what these creatures can do
Birds Harness the Deadly Power of Nicotine to Kill Parasites
And city birds are stuffing their nests with cigarette butts to poison potential parasites
World’s Greatest Extinction May Have Actually Been Two Extinctions in One
The Permian-Triassic extinction nearly wiped out life on Earth
Sometimes, Being the Best Dad You Can Be Gets You a Giant Metal Hook in the Face
Fishing selectively targets the best largemouth bass dads
Hagfish Slime May Cover Models in Future Fashion Shows
The hagfish aims to make a slimy splash on the fashion runway with a tough, silk-like material harvested from its bountiful snot-like secretions
Urbanization Is Supersizing Spiders
City-dwelling spiders are bigger than their country-living brethren
Lobsters Have Age-Revealing Rings, Just Like Trees
Scientists have figured out a way to determine the age of your lobster
Drivers Keep Crashing Into Feral Pigs on the Fastest Highway in the Country
Colliding into a 400-pound feral pig at 85 miles an hour can do some damage
The Insane Amount of Biodiversity in One Cubic Foot
David Liittschwager travels to the world's richest ecosystems, photographing all the critters that pass through his "biocube" in 24 hours
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