
Two days after the killings, villagers poured in to help rangers carry bodies back to Bukima and then on to Rumangabo for burial. Here, volunteers are taking the pregnant and badly burned Mburanumwe out of the forest.

State of Emergency

The slaughter of four endangered mountain gorillas in war-ravaged Congo sparks conservationist action


Wild Things: Life As We Know It

Mammoths, Clownfish and Traveling Plants


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Mystery trees, loggerhead turtles and Brooklyn


Snap Shot

"If we want to ensure free-ranging devil populations that are disease free, putting them on offshore islands is the only alternative we've got," says wildlife researcher Hamish McCallum.

Tasmanian Tailspin

Can a new plan to relocate the Tasmanian devil save the species?


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Great sharks, manakins and dino digs


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Squid light shows, monkey hugs and chickadee alarms


Horse Appeal

In this interview, Steve Twomey, author of "Barbaro's Legacy," discusses how interest in the horse extends outside the racetrack


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Ape tools, flying dinosaurs and emperor penguins

Cowbirds (a male, above) "are more highly evolved than we previously thought," says Jeff Hoover.

Wiseguys with Wings

"Mafia" cowbirds muscle warblers into raising their young



"No one ever found any dead vultures," says McGrath. "There were simply less and less of them."

Fantastically Repulsive

In this interview, Susan McGrath, author of "The Vanishing," describes getting up close and personal with vultures

In the past decade or so, over 95 percent of India's vultures have died.

Soaring Hopes

The first two Asian vultures breed in captivity

Zion's dwindling cougar population traces its roots to the late 1920s, when the park's management made efforts to increase visitation.

It All Falls Down

A plummeting cougar population alters the ecosystem at Zion National Park


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Parasitic plants, zebra tarantulas and wobbles in Earth's orbit

Claudine Andre, founder of Lola Ya Bonobo (Bonobo Paradise) sanctuary, rescues about ten of the endangered animals per year.

Bonobo Paradise

"Bonobo Paradise" is an 86-acre sanctuary set in verdant hills 20 miles south of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Killer whales, trap-jaw ants and dinosaurs


Interview with Steve Kemper, Author of "Cougars on the Move"

Kemper talks about how cougars have been hated throughout history and what surprised him while researching the animals


Wild Things: Life As We Know It

Figs, canary songs, whales with legs, ancient flowering shrubs and beaver dams


Interview with John Seidensticker and Susan Lumpkin

The authors of "Building an Arc" talk about wildlife conservation and what drew them to work with tigers.

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