

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Flamingos, T. rex Tails, Burmese monkeys and more...


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Drought crises, Florida panthers, humpback whales and more...

According to author Richard Conniff, "what really got the species seekers started was that a Swedish botanist named Linnaeus had invented a system of scientific classification."

Richard Conniff on The Species Seekers

The 18th century was an age of discovery when a frontiersman mentality yielded scientific breakthroughs in natural history


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Caterpillars, Bonobos, European Songbirds and More...


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Caterpillars, Frogs, Big Birds and More...


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Orchids, Baboons, Ancient Reptiles and More...


Toads Closer to Tanzanian Home

The silver spotted skipper butterfly is one of the most common butterflies caught during the census.

Name That Butterfly

Citizen scientists on a sharp learning curve are carrying out an important census in fields and gardens across the country


Ferrets Have a Record-Breaking Breeding Season at the National Zoo


Two New Onagers Born Thanks to Artificial Insemination

Common Thresher Shark

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Cobras, sharks, lemurs, hermit crabs and more...

The discovery of new species is driven by new technologies, targeted surveys of little-studied ecosystems and a determined effort to identify plants and animals before their habitat is lost. The kipunji is one of 300 mammal species discovered in the past decade; it is thought to be Africa’s rarest monkey.

Meet the New Species

From old-world primates to patch-nosed salamanders, new creatures are being discovered every day


Ants Use Velcro to Catch Large Prey


Rhinoceroses in Romania

Northern quolls, cat-size Australian marsupials

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Hummingbirds, birch trees, queen bees, northern quolls and more...


How Did the Tortoise Cross the Strait?


Are Wildlife Documentaries an Invasion of Privacy?


Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Running elephants, far-flying mosquitos, ancient crocodiles and more...


We Shall Call Him (or Her) ... Octavius!

Camargue horses running through water France

Wild Things: Life as We Know It

Feathered dinosaurs, white-coated horses, giant redwoods and more...

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