American History


Carol Burnett—We Just Can't Resist Her!

Graphic designer Jessica Helfand collected over 200 scrapbooks dating from the nineteenth century to the present.

The Cherished Tradition of Scrapbooking

Author Jessica Helfand investigates the history of scrapbooks and how they mirror American history


Smithsonian Events Week of 5/11-15: Portraits, Presents, Star Trek and Sailing


Behind the Scenes with American History's Entertainment Curator

Dwight Blocker Bowers is responsible for preserving the museum's most eclectic collection


Curating Pandemic at the American History Museum


O Say Can You Sing? Semi-Finalists Announced

Pensacola, its anchorage first admired by the Spanish 450 years ago.  In 1686, Spanish navigator Juan Jordán described Pensacola's bay as "the best I have ever seen."

Harboring History in Pensacola

In Florida's panhandle, vibrant Pensacola stakes its claim as the oldest European settlement in the United States

Big Sur's dramatic vistas entrance residents and day-trippers alike.  In 1912 or so, watercolorist Francis McComas described the landscape as the "greatest meeting of land and water in the world."

Big Sur's California Dreamin'

Untrammeled wilderness and new age enclave, Big Sur retains its rugged beauty and quirky charm

The predominantly Mexican Pilsen neighborhood was once predominantly Czech.  Across Chicago, says Juana Guzman of Pilsen's National Museum of Mexican Art, "food is an important cultural anchor."

Chicago Eats

From curried catfish to baba ghanouj, Chicago serves up what may be the finest ethnic cuisine going


"I Do Solemnly Swear" Celebrates Obama's First Hundred Days

To celebrate the occasion, the American History Museum presents its exhibition, "I Do Solemnly Swear: Photographs of the 2009 Presidential Inauguration."

Curator Finds Murphy Bed's Place in American History

The Murphy Bed was born of necessity—the inventor had a driving desire to hide his bed, so he could entertain his lady


Smithsonian Events Week of 4/27-5/1/09: Vietnam, Jazz, Cabaret and Eudora Welty


Earth Day at the Smithsonian


Smithsonian Events Week of 4/20-24: Commodores, Quilting, Keith Haring and Forensics

The Humdinger sandwich is a mother-in-law with melted cheese on top.

Searching for a Mother-in-Law Sandwich

Eager enthusiasts track Chicago’s indigenous—and sometimes endangered—food traditions


Smithsonian Events Week of 4/13-17: A Little Jazz, a Glass of Wine and a House of Gorillas


The Funny Things You Do: America's Funniest Home Videos, We Love You


B-B-B-Billy and the Duke


It's a Beautiful Night for a Ballgame


Smithsonian Events Week of 4/6-10: Samuel Morse, Satellites and Bunnies

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