
Monsanto has faced strong criticisms and protests worldwide.

Monsanto Is Giving Up on GMOs in Europe

Facing a strong public disapproval, Monsanto gave up trying to grow genetically modified crops in Europe

Meet Your Local Farmer Bot

Not so much the dream of the far future, agricultural robots are nearly ready for prime time


These People Want to Replace Fruit Stickers With Laser Etched Tattoos

One company is trying to solve the sticker problem by actually laser etching logos onto fruit


Pesticides May Be Harmful to Animals Even at “Safe” Levels

Even when used at low concentrations, some pesticides can still cause unintended consequences


The Incredible Disappearing Evangelist

Aimee Semple McPherson was an American phenomenon even before she went missing for five weeks in 1926.

Connecticut Passes GMO Labeling Law


Where Will Japan Get Wheat Now That It’s Rejecting America’s GMO-Tainted Crops?

Worried about genetically modified wheat found in the U.S. supply, countries are suspending their imports of U.S. wheat

A crazy ant queen.

Invasive Crazy Ants Are Eating Up Invasive Fire Ants in the South

How ecosystems will function if fire ants suddenly disappear and are replaced by crazy ants remains an open but worrying question

E. coli Can Survive the Freezing Cold Winter Hidden in Manure

Even the harsh Canadian winter can't kill these hardy bacteria


On the International Space Station, Glow-in-the-Dark Plants Let You Know When They’re Stressed

To fight climate change or to grow crops in space, we need to know how plants respond to stress

The honeybee, Apis mellifera, is in trouble because of colony collapse disorder.

High Fructose Corn Syrup May Be Partly Responsible for Bees’ Collapsing Colonies

High fructose corn syrup, the sugary compound in soda, is also fed to bees


Your Meat is Probably Packing Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic resistant bacteria is rampant in grocery store meat, and it doesn't seem to be going away

Drought in western Kentucky

Don’t Blame the Awful U.S. Drought on Climate Change

Scientists can attribute particular natural disasters to climate change--just not the 2012 Great Plains drought

Climate Change Could Make Us Choose Between Wine And Pandas

According to the new models, around 70 percent of the area currently suitable or used for grape growing could be gone by 2050

Celebrate Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month By Reporting These Horrifying Species

April 1st marks the beginning of Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month, but how does somebody celebrate?


The Count of Dead Pigs Pulled Out of Chinese Rivers Is Up to 16,000

Recent plagues of dead animals floating down China's rivers may be due to farmers evading heightened environmental regulations


People in Israel Really Are Eating Swarming Locusts

While there are simply too many locusts to eat the swarm out of existence, Israelis who do tuck in can enjoy a healthy, kosher snack


From the Big Bang to the End of the Earth and Everything in Between, the Two Minute History of America

A fun video by a Minnesota high school student tries to capture all of human history in just two minutes


These Little Robot Bees Could Pollinate the Fields of the Future

If the bees can't be saved, maybe these little robobees can assume their role


This Giant Snail Is Giving Australia Terrible Flashbacks to the Last Giant Snail Takeover

The giant African snail is a true nightmare. So when Australian officials found one in a shipping container yard in Brisbane, they destroyed it as quickly as possible

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