A keen sense of what shoppers wanted made her eponymous company the first woman-owned business on the American Stock Exchange
One of the rare 24-cent misprints sold at auction this week for a record-breaking $2 million
In the run-up to World War II, the chocolate company was tasked with creating a nutritious snack that, by design, wouldn't taste good
The storied past of the 45.52-carat sapphire-blue gemstone hails back to the days before the French Revolution
Washed up in a rare stranding event, the newly collected specimen will offer rich exploration for researchers
Before he changed aviation forever, the daredevil achieved an unparalleled speed record on land
This summer, a podcast series from the National Air and Space Museum discusses Operation Pedro Pan, Latino Futurism and “Star Wars”
Smithsonian curators dig into the collections to find artifacts that illustrate how we arrived at this moment
A candle stand used by the first president illuminates his extraordinary last days in office
Arresting portraits, now a part of the Smithsonian collections, illuminate the little-known role these artists played in chronicling 19th-century life
The vast, eclectic public archive of American music—and other sounds—is featured on a new episode of the Sidedoor podcast
Contemplating the portentous history and uncertain fate of an exceptionally rare flower
Smithsonian podcasts deliver doses of optimism this month, featuring Bill Nye and a story of a warm welcome from the astronaut’s family
The long-awaited “Biography of a Phantom” unravels some of the mystery and intrigue
The itinerant artist William Bache’s portraits are contaminated by arsenic, but now the National Portrait Gallery offers easy access
Beloved by her pupils, schoolteacher Leah Maguire embraced her freedom through sewing this sampler
The Stars Are Aligned at the National Museum of American History
A portrait of the performer debuts in the exhibition “Entertainment Nation”
An original Yankee Stadium ticket booth recalls the story of that first game, which featured a thundering three-run homer from the Great Bambino
The Stars Are Aligned at the National Museum of American History
Get the inside scoop on the iconic prop, now on view in the exhibition “Entertainment Nation”
Neal V. Loving, whose memoir will soon be released by Smithsonian Books, built his own planes, ran a flight school and conducted research for the Air Force
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