Art & Artists



Readers Respond to the November Issue


What's Up

Curator Jake Homiak (right) and adviser Ras Maurice Clarke make the sign of the trinity, a Rastafarian symbol of reverence.

Rasta Revealed

A reclamation of African identity evolved into a worldwide cultural, religious and political movement

Van Gogh painted this portrait of himself, dressed as a bourgeois, in Paris, where he stayed with his brother Theo and continued to hone his painting skills. Van Gogh's brief flirtation with the separate, dappled brushstrokes of pointillism is evident in this early effort, which is one of his best paintings from 1887. (Self-Portrait: Three Quarters to the Right)

Letters from Vincent

Never-before-exhibited correspondence from van Gogh to a protégé displays a thoughtful exacting side of the artist

Oversize expectations: The Great Eastern vessel was supposed to cap the career of its ill-fated designer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel (before the huge ship’s launching chains).

Big News

In matters of sheer magnitude, Robert Howlett got the picture

A spectacular new gallery at the Air and Space Museum (the nose of a 747) charts the history of an astonishing triumph—air travel.

From the Castle

Aero Dynamic

American Mine (Nevada 1), 2007
Tailing ponds from gold mines outside of Elko, Nevada.

Danger Zones

Warning: David Maisel's aerial landscapes may be hazardous to your assumptions

Illustration from The Nursery “Alice” by Lewis Carroll, 1890

Getting the Edge

Cy Twombly's Scattered Blossoms

The Embarkation for Cythera, 1717, Louvre. Many commentators note that it depicts a departure from the island of Cythera, the birthplace of Venus, thus symbolizing the brevity of love.

Appetite for Destruction


William Kentridge: Untruth and Reconciliation


Road to Perfection

Curating Chinatown


Restoration as Vandalism


Marc Trujillo: Painting Everyday Purgatories

A Commission of the Highest Order


Made in America


Staying Power


Married, With Camera

Portraitist Emmet Gowin's most enduring subject is his wife


From the Castle


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