
There Are Regional Differences in Death Row Inmates’ Last Words

Southerners are more likely to say sorry, but that doesn't mean they actually feel remorse

"You're in three dimensional space": "Aerial America" got the swoop on Padre Island during the series' visit to Texas.

How the Crew of "Aerial America" Gets its Stunning Shots

A new fusion of camera and captor gives us a bird’s-eye view of America

This One Site in Texas Will Get Most of America's Low-Level Nuclear Waste

As America's nuclear plants run out their lives, decommissioning waste will be headed to Texas

This Texas Teen's Most Productive Fishing Hole Is the Sewer

Kyle Naegeli, 15, first discovered this unlikely fishing hole after he made a $5 bet with his dad

A member of the Texas Camel Corps.

The United States Army Used Camels Until After the Civil War

When the first American settlers started moving west, their horses and mules weren't cut out for the long, dry treks

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