
"Canopy Meg," pioneer of forest ecology, recalls her adventures in her new book, It's a Jungle Up There.

Interview: Margaret Lowman

Bugs in trees and kids in labs get their due in a new book by "Canopy Meg"

For his new book, Old Masters and Young Geniuses: The Two Life Cycles of Artistic Creativity, economist David Galenson conducted a study of artistic greatness.

Interview: David Galenson

Pondering the nature of artistic genius, a social scientist finds that creativity has a bottom line


Frozen in Time

Glaciers in the Pacific Northwest have recorded hundreds of years of climate history, helping researchers plot how quickly the planet is warming


Neanderthal Man

Svante Pääbo has probed the DNA of Egyptian mummies and animals. Now he hopes to decode the DNA of our evolutionary cousins

35 Who Made a Difference: Douglas Owsley

Dead people tell no tales—but their bones do, when he examines them

35 Who Made a Difference: Richard Leakey

The leader of the Hominid Gang asks what he can do for his continent


Newton's Vice

Some say alchemy inspired our greatest scientist


Let the Bones Talk' Is the Watchword for Scientist-Sleuths

When the FBI moved in across the street 60 years ago, Smithsonian anthropologists began a tradition of helping to solve crimes

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