
Pozzi and her team at the Washed Ashore project, achieve a remarkable and convincing array of textures.

There’s a Bunch of Animals at the Zoo this Summer Made Out of Ocean Garbage

Delightfully whimsical, the sculptures drive home the message that there’s a whole lot of trash washing ashore

These comical looking mollusks are common to the Caribbean. Their eyes poke out on stalks from inside large, pink, beautiful shells, and they move along one “step” at a time, with a lift and a flop, leaving tracks behind in the sand.

An Elegant Tool Called Squidpop That Scientists Want to Crowdsource

The device is so easy to use, researchers are asking for a “squidpop blitz” for World Oceans Day

The longer a structure has been exposed to the water, the more weathered it appeared.

This "Lost Underwater City" Was Actually Made by Microbes

Though these formations may not be evidence of a lost city, they show off some intriguing chemistry

The scalding solution that pipes from the vents does not boil because of the mass of water pushing down from above.

Scientists Explore Breathtaking Hydrothermal Vents in Virtual Reality

With a high-tech remotely operated vehicle, a team is able to map a dark, hot and toxic vent field on the ocean floor

Kelly Slater tests his new wave machine in Lemoore, California

Surf Legend Builds Artificial Wave That Could Bring Surfing to the Masses

The World Surf League just bought Kelly Slater's artificial wave technology, a move that could bring surfing to places like Nebraska

Brewery Introduces Edible, Biodegradable Six-Pack Rings

Saltwater Brewery's new packaging is made of beer byproducts and can be eaten by sea life

America's beaches are filled with treasures for beachcombers.

Five of the Best Beaches for Beachcombing in the U.S.

On the hunt for seashells and other buried treasure? Here’s where to look

This brittle star, Sigsbeia oloughlini, was found the coast of Esperance, Western Australia.

Meet the Diverse and Bizarre “Stars” of the Deep Sea

As human activities encroach on remote oceans, scientists work to map the denizens of the deep

Oceanic whitetip, Cat Island, March 2014 (Instagram:  michaelmuller7)

This Photographer Shoots Sharks to Save Them

When he’s not creating movie posters, Michael Muller swims among the oceanic predators, capturing stunning images

Brawny American Lobsters Are Muscling in on Their European Cousins

Sweden wants to ban live American lobsters for fear they will out-claw their own

A Chilean beach–before.

Why Are Chilean Beaches Covered With Dead Animals?

Warm waters have turned the country's once-pristine coast into a putrid sight

Boulder brain coral is usually common in Florida's coral reefs.

Between Bleaching and Boats, Florida’s Coral Reefs Are Struggling to Survive

The reefs are crumbling in acidifying waters and buried from dredging, according to new reports

Deep-Sea Researchers Spot a Mysterious Jellyfish Near The Mariana Trench

The glowing jellyfish was previously unknown to science

OceanOne is designed to work alongside human divers.

A "Merbot" Retrieved Artifacts From Louis XIV’s Sunken Flagship

The humanoid diving robot could help researchers explore fragile wrecks from the surface of the sea

Eating Toxic Algae Might Make Some Plankton Act Drunk

Though it may seem funny, it could have serious environmental consequences

"Shark Vision" Shines Light on Biofluorescent Species

Using a specially designed filter, divers uncovered the glowing patterns on the skin of catsharks

Researchers sort through finds recovered from trawling in the central section of the Amazon reef.

Shining Light on Brazil’s Secret Coral Reef

The massive, previously unstudied reef is unlike any other known on Earth


Oldest Message in a Bottle Ever Found

The 108-year-old message in a bottle from a British marine researcher washed up on a German beach

Mass Bleaching Destroys Swaths of the Great Barrier Reef

Surveys show that 55 percent of reefs surveyed were severely affected by high water temperatures, with half of those expected to die

A 400-year-old dress was recovered from a 17th-century shipwreck off the Dutch coast.

Dutch Divers Found a 17th-Century Dress Buried Under the Sea

The 400-year-old gown was remarkably well-preserved

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