New Research


When the Sun Gets Violent, It Shoots Antimatter at the Earth

When it casts a solar flare, the Sun also launches antimatter

Earthworm Excrement Could Help Archaeologists Measure Age-Old Climate Conditions

Zebra Finches are one of the birds that hold a trace of ancient hepatitis B in their genes.

Ancient Dinosaur Birds Were Infected With Hepatitis B

82 million years ago hepatitis B infected birds

Bystanders Intervene in One-Third of Bar Room Brawls

If you're at a bar and somebody starts a fight, what do you do? Root them on? Step in? Join the fight?


These New Windows Let the Summer Breeze In, But Block the Street Noise

A window speckled with little holes will let the air through, but not the sound


Thousands of Species Found in a Lake Cut Off From the World for Millions of Years

Cut off for maybe as much as 15 million years, Antarctica's Lake Vostok seems to be full of life

People Who Subconsciously Dwell on Death Write Funnier New Yorker Cartoon Captions

People who are deliberately thinking about death, on the other hand, produce the least funny cartoon captions

Kids Will Eat Their Veggies If You Explain Why They Need To

Explaining to kids why veggies are good for them and making a show of just how tasty they can be are effective strategies for getting kids to eat greens


These Contact Lenses Can Zoom In and Out, Give You Telescopic Vision

These contact lenses can switch your vision back and forth from regular sight to a 2.8x zoom

Killer Whales May Be Two Distinct Species

Researchers estimate that up to six or seven different species or sub-species of killer whales may live around the world


These Beautiful Maps Show Where All Known Birds, Mammals And Amphibians Live

The maps include data on birds, mammals and amphibians, but not reptiles or fish since not enough is known about those organisms' distribution


The World Is Heading for 11 Billion People This Century

How are we going to feed them all?

Part of the 700,000-year-old bone fragment used to sequence the DNA.

700,000-Year-Old Horse Genome Is Oldest Ever Sequenced by a Factor of 10

The study authors say that the horse genome hints that it may be possible to sequence the genomes of organisms that lived up to 1 million years ago

Not the cloned mouse

Mouse Cloned From Its Parent’s Blood

White blood cells flowing in its parents blood provided the genetic material needed to clone


Your Choice of Spoon Changes the Taste of Your Food

White yogurt eaten from a white spoon was deemed sweeter, more expensive and denser than a similar yogurt that was dyed pink.

A Slight Zap to the Brain Makes Everyone Appear More Attractive

After getting zapped, participants experienced a boost of dopamine - a chemical associated with how we judge people's attractiveness

Live Closer to a Gas Well, And There’s Likely More Gas in Your Water

The team found low levels of methane in 115 of 141 Marcellus Formation shale gas wells they sampled


Plants Do Math Every Single Day

Math, the researchers say, is a vital component of a plant's ability to grow and thrive

Blue tits being winter piggies.

Birds That Gorge Themselves in Winter Have Fewer Chicks in Spring

The well-fed birds' babies were smaller and weighed less than the chicks belonging to birds that had to scrape by during the cold months on their own wits


One of Our Nearest Neighbor Stars Has At Least Six Planets, And Three May Be Habitable

Three potentially habitable planets orbit a star just 22 light years away

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