New Research

Lasers Make a Fiber Optic Cable Out of Thin Air

Just like a fiber optic cable, without the physical cable

Playing Outside Enhances Kids’ Love of Nature and Animals

Exposure to the great outdoors could also influence kids' ideas about the importance of conservation

Science Proves That Kids' Eyes Really Are Bigger Than Their Stomachs

Adults around the world uniformly clean their plates at dinner time, but not kids

Papa Mongooses Learn Not to Try So Hard When Raising Babies

If father mongooses push themselves to extremes raising young, then they won't work as hard the next time around

Children were asked to rate how cute they found each of the images to be.

Even Toddlers Recognize the Superior Cuteness of Puppies and Kittens

Our notion of cuteness might be hardwired rather than learned

Offshore Wind Farms Offer Seals a Smorgasbord of Fish

Wind farms could intentionally be fashioned into artificial reefs to further increase their value to wildlife

Early Life May Have Thrived in the Wreckage of a Meteorite

Porous rock created by high impact meteorite strikes make a surprisingly pleasant home for microbes

Circumcision Could Help Stem the Spread of HIV

Contrary to what researchers previously feared, men who undergo adult circumcision don't engage in overly risky behavior compared to uncircumcised ones

Without Oceans, Earth-Like Life Probably Can’t Evolve on Other Planets

It's not all about the planet's distance from its star, as researchers previously thought

Spider Silk is a Fine-Tuned Alert System

Web fibers can send a wide range of messages

The equivalent caloric amount of chicken, pork or eggs would represent an order of magnitude less greenhouse gas emissions than what was required to produce this beef.

Raising Beef Uses Ten Times More Resources Than Poultry, Dairy, Eggs or Pork

If you want to help the planet but can’t bring yourself to give up meat entirely, eliminating beef from your diet is the next-best thing

Scientific fieldwork can be exciting, but can also create an environment where sexual harassment occurs a new study finds

64% Of Surveyed Scientists Have Experienced Harassment During Fieldwork

Female trainees are particularly vulnerable

These Psychologists Think We'd Be Happier If We Talked to Strangers More

Though you should definitely take this on a case-by-case basis.

Researchers are Tracking House Cats with Tiny Harnesses

GPS measurements and collar cameras will tell them where, exactly, kitty goes all day

Bubble wrap as test tubes.

Bubble Wrap Can Make Great DIY Test Tubes

Bubble wrap test tubes could be particularly useful in developing countries

Gardens May Be Therapeutic For Dementia Patients

Adding green space to nursing homes might be a good idea

The soft, phase-changing material. Photo courtesy of the researchers.

Researchers Make Phase-Changing Material Fit for Transforming Robots

Wax and foam are on the cutting edge

The skeleton of a young man, whose tooth plaque was used in the study.

Ancient Tooth Plaque Shows Our Ancestors Used to Feast on Weeds

Purple nutsedge is a pest today, but thousands of years ago it was probably valued for its cavity-preventing properties

Borneo Has Lost 30 Percent of Its Forest in the Past 40 Years

Borneo's tropical forests have fallen at twice the rate as the rest of the world's felled rainforests

Salmon in a fish farm in Norway

This New Carbon Capture Project Turns Carbon Dioxide Into Fish Food

A Norwegian project hopes to reduce both pollution and lessen pressure on krill stocks

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