This Woman Can’t Feel Fear
Damage from a rare genetic condition appears to have knocked out the "fear center" in her brain
Shivers Could Be Contagious
Looking at a chilly person could make you cold, too
Monkeys Can Learn to Recognize Themselves in the Mirror
Generations of monkeys had tried and failed a classic test of intelligence, but the fault may have been in the way humans thought of the test
This Art Studio Nurtures Talent in People on the Autism Spectrum
New York City's Pure Visions Arts provides an art and exhibition space for around 40 creative people with autism
Birds Get Drunk And Sing Drunken Songs
Like humans, birds just don’t sing as well drunk as they do when sober
Blind People Can Echolocate
Echolocation acts as such a close a proxy for vision that it falls victim to the same shortcomings
How to Create a Virtual Organism
Through OpenWorm, scientists are hoping to allow anyone with a computer to unlock the secrets of animal behavior
Some of the Most Beautiful Things in Nature Come in the Tiniest of Packages
The winners of the 2014 Olympus BioScapes Digital Imaging Competition capture a rat brain, the mouthparts of a vampire moth and other small wonders
Dreams Are Slow-Motion
Lucid dreamers are offering insight into the sleeping mind
Norwegian Nobel Winners Release Their Inner Avant-Garde Musicians
Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine repurposed a Norse folk tune for a science lecture
Bats Have Specific Brains Cells for Tracking Their Location While in Flight
Humans likely carry the same kind of cells in our own brains
Half the Cells in This Mouse’s Brain Are Human
Researchers implanted immature human brain cells in mouse pups, which then grew and replaced nearly half the mice's own cells
Older People’s Brains Notice More But Filter Less
A small study shows that elderly people notice patterns even when those patterns aren’t useful
No, “Bath Salts” Won’t Turn You Into a Cannibal
But now we have a better idea what the latest generation of the drugs is really doing to your brain
We’ve Put a Worm’s Mind in a Lego Robot's Body
A wheeled Lego robot may not look like a worm, but it "thinks" like one after programmers gave it the neuron connections in a C. elegans roundworm
Neurologists Lost Track of Part of the Human Brain And Just Re-Discovered It
The major pathway in the brain wasn’t exactly missing, but science literature appeared to have forgotten about it until now
Outfitting Football Helmets With Magnets Could Reduce Concussions
Strong magnets can repel at least 300 lbs of force, preventing heads from colliding
More Evidence That There's a Connection Between a Person's Gut Bacteria And Brain
Bacteria can affect your brain, but it's still too early to do much with the information
This Is Your Brain on Ideas
Momentarily tuning out the world seems to be a requirement for tapping into an insightful idea
Beyond Owls And Larks: There Are Four Types of Sleepers
The two new groups include people who are rather energetic all day and others who are lethargic
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