
When Even the Simplest Word Looks Weird And Wrong You Have Wordnesia

We don’t really know why it happens, but at least there is a term for it

Our Brains Hate Waiting So We Sped Up Everything Else

Sidewalk rage, road rage and anger at slow-loading web pages are all part of our evolutionary inheritance

This Might Be Why Handshaking Evolved

A new study shows that shaking hands is a covert way for us to unconsciously sniff out each other’s chemical signals

A Paralyzed Woman Operated a Flight Simulator Using Only Her Thoughts

Electrodes implanted in the brain are shown to enable those with quadriplegia to achieve amazing feats

Like People, Bees Can Be Fooled by False Memories

Bumblebees gravitate toward unfamiliar flowers that merge two patterns they know—a classic error of long term memory

How One Doctor Proposes to Conduct the First Human Head Transplant

An Italian neuroscientists says that the surgery could be ready in as few as two years, but the scientific community remains very skeptical

Meet the Man Who Can Taste Words

For some, taste mixes with other sense—a form of synesthesia that isn't as common as experiencing the colors of words

Is That Pill a Placebo? This Program Can Tell, Even If You Can't

A new algorithm could make it faster and less expensive to develop new painkillers

Midnight Snacking Is Bad for Your Brain

Experiments in mice show that misaligned eating patterns can mess with the brain's ability to form memories and learn new tasks

A former bombe operator shows the back of a drum from the decryption machine at Bletchley Park.

Brains Make Decisions the Way Alan Turing Cracked Codes

A mathematical tool developed during World War II operates in a similar way to brains weighing the reliability of information

Being able to control "clock neurons" could help with combatting jet lag and fatigue.

Scientists Discover “Reset” Button for Circadian Rhythm

Could a simple reboot turn exhaustion into a thing of the past?

A skull shows evidence of trepanation, an early form of neurosurgery that called for a hole cut into the skull.

Scientists Try Out 2,300-Year-Old Brain Surgery Techniques

Experiments conducted by a Siberian research team shed light on the neurosurgical methods evident in three Iron Age skulls

Why “Expensive” Medicines Might Actually Work Better

Perceived cost might influence drugs’ benefits

It’s Easy to Make People Like Healthy Food…Just Rewire Their Brains

A new study imaged brains of women of different weights and found dramatic differences in how their brains responded to food

Neuroscientists Found Eight Genes That Govern Human Brain Size

A consortium of neuroscientists compared medical data from over 30,000 people and found genetic mutations that may cause parts of the brain to be smaller

What Hibernation Teaches Us About Treating Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists find that a brain-protecting protein produced when the body cools may have major implications for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders

This Woman Can’t Feel Fear

Damage from a rare genetic condition appears to have knocked out the "fear center" in her brain

Shivers Could Be Contagious

Looking at a chilly person could make you cold, too

Monkeys Can Learn to Recognize Themselves in the Mirror

Generations of monkeys had tried and failed a classic test of intelligence, but the fault may have been in the way humans thought of the test

This Art Studio Nurtures Talent in People on the Autism Spectrum

New York City's Pure Visions Arts provides an art and exhibition space for around 40 creative people with autism

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