
There's a Scientific Reason Why Self-Harm Makes Some People Feel Better

The same part of the brain that handles physical distress also deals with emotions

Many of the Same Brain Regions Are Activated When Mothers Look at Their Pets or Their Children

It seems that maternal attachment does not discriminate between species

Researchers have made an important first step towards engineering direct, brain-to-brain communication between humans.

Scientists Prove That Telepathic Communication Is Within Reach

An international research team develops a way to say “hello” with your mind

Why Eye Contact Makes You Squirm

Catching someone else's eye makes us more self conscious about our bodies

Inside the Brain’s Amazing Ability to Re-Map Your Body

Surgeons only have to go so far before the brain takes over and reconnects the nervous system

Even People With Locked-In Syndrome Respond to Hitchcock Movies

The brain of a patient in a vegetative state responded to a movie the same way as healthy people

This Is Your Brain on Your Favorite Song

When people listen to music they enjoy, their brains drift into a resting daydream, regardless of the genre

Suicide Risk Could Soon Be Predicted Through a Blood Test

Elevated levels of stress-related chemicals in the body seem to correlate with suicide

Researchers Crack the Code of First Impressions

Mathematics identifies the subtle facial features that influence how we judge others

A baby chimp in the 1950s

This Guy Simultaneously Raised a Chimp and a Baby in Exactly the Same Way to See What Would Happen

When treated as a human, the baby chimp acted like one—until her physiology and development held her back

Kids Trust Written Words More Than Spoken Ones

Learning to read seems to make information conveyed in written form seem more authoritative

"Get away from me, get away from me!" - an anxious crawfish freaking out.

Crawfish, Like Humans, Are Anxious Worrywarts

As the first invertebrates ever found to demonstrate anxiety, crawfish might help reveal the evolutionary origins of that stressful state of mind

The mind-controlled exoskeleton developed by Miguel Nicolelis and his colleagues will allow a paralyzed teenager to make the ceremonial first kick of the 2014 World Cup.

Mind-Controlled Technology Extends Beyond Exoskeletons

A wearable robot controlled by brain waves will take center stage at the World Cup this week, but it’s not the only mind-controlled tech out there

Rats Can Feel Regret

Rats' brain patterns and behaviors support the hypothesis that they can reflect on certain wrong choices

A scanning electron microscope image of a fruit fly.

I Think, Therefore I Am a Fruit Fly

Researchers found that even fruit flies seem deliberate over decisions

When Gay Men Become Parents, Their Brains Act Like Both Straight Mothers' And Fathers' Brains

In the absence of a mother, gay men's brains become blind to gender and step up to the full task of parenthood

A neurosurgeon’s view during a brain operation: The head is held in place and covered with an adhesive drape containing iodine, which prevents infections and explains the orange tint.

Inside the Science of an Amazing New Surgery Called Deep Brain Stimulation

The most futuristic medical treatment ever imagined is now a reality

We Might Hit Our Cognitive Peak Before 24

As we age beyond about 24, we become mentally slower and slower

Playing Video Games Could Actually Change Your Brain—But Not in a Bad Way

Despite video games' bad rep, they might improve a person's strategizing and multi-tasking abilities

Could it be true vole love, or just a casual encounter? Depends on whether booze is involved.

Drunken Prairie Voles Help Explain Alcohol’s Demons

Why do some people become more prone to attachment and sentimentality when drunk, while others tend to stray?

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