
Black clay indicates that what is now a west London suburb was once a marsh near what was then the ocean.

Britain’s Prehistoric Coastline Uncovered in West London

Excavators found a black clay-like material that formed about 56 million years ago, marking the location of an ancient coastline

A team is working to conserve a collection of iron cannonballs found on The Mary Rose, Henry VIII's famous Tudor ship.

To Save Cannonballs on Henry VIII's Flagship, Researchers Looked to X-ray Tech

The more than 1200 cannonballs found on <i>The Mary Rose</i> are facing a major problem—corrosion

St. Mary's church in Norfolk

How Churches Are Improving Wi-Fi Access in Rural England

A new program is outfitting places of worship with wireless transmitters and fiber cables

Fragments of Famed ‘UFO’ Discovered in Archives of London Museum

Though experts deemed it a hoax, the 'Silpho Saucer' created a sensation when it was discovered in the 1950s

Hyundai Pavilion designed by Asif Khan at PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018

Artist Coats Olympic Pavilion With the Blackest Black Pigment

The pavilion is also studded with thousands of light rods to resemble the twinkling night sky

Early Briton Had Dark Skin and Light Eyes, DNA Analysis Shows

The study of 'Cheddar Man' adds to a growing body of research that highlights the complexities of human skin color evolution

An Italian marble sculpture of William Pitt the Younger as the Infant Hercules Strangling the Serpents Fox and North by Pieratoni (called ’Sposino’), c.1790

The Ugliest Sculpture Ever, Says the Portrait Gallery’s Director

A bizarre sculpture of a baby Hercules strangling two snakes set this art historian on a course of discovery

Tracey Crouch, who will oversee issues related to loneliness and isolation in the U.K.

The U.K. Now Has a "Minister for Loneliness." Here's Why It Matters

Tracey Crouch will oversee the government's efforts to tackle "the sad reality of modern life"

Her Majesty the Queen with archive footage

Sixty-Five Years Later, the Queen Recalls Her Coronation

New Smithsonian Channel special has rare Queen Elizabeth II interview and offers a closeup of the Crown Jewels

York Minister's Massive Medieval Stained-Glass Window Restored to Its Former Glory

Conservators spent some 92,400 hours cleaning and protecting the great east window's 311 panels

John Michael Wright's portrait of King Charles II, in the Royal Collection

How Charles II Used Art to Bolster Britain’s Struggling Monarchy

A new exhibit at the Queen’s Gallery in London features more than 200 items from the collection of the “Merry Monarch”

English dolphins gliding through their home turf

England Has Its Own Pod of Dolphins

Researchers discover that the group of 28 animals are actually local residents, not just visitors

By LN Tallur
Bronze, coins and concrete 
Tallur Studio, Koteshwara, Karnataka, India

Sweeping Mumbai Exhibition Tells the Story of India, With Help From the British Museum

‘India and the World’ features 124 loans from London and 104 objects from institutions across India

Codex Amiatinus

After 1300 Years Abroad, the Earliest Complete Latin Bible Returns to England

The Codex Amiatinus will go on display at the British Library in 2018

The new edition of Vita Sackville-West's story features art deco-style illustrations

Now You Can Read the Stamp-Sized Story That May Have Inspired Virginia Woolf's "Orlando"

Vita Sackville-West's hero predates and mirrors Woolf's androgynous time-traveler

Take a bite of history on National Mincemeat Day

The History of Mincemeat Pies, from the Crusades to Christmas

Mentioned by Shakespeare, allegedly banned by Puritans, and enjoyed by many still, these traditional treats have a long history in English cuisine

The remnants of Hurricane Ophelia are seen enveloping Ireland on October 16

How Ex-Hurricane Ophelia Turned Skies Red Over the U.K

In a year of crazy weather, the remnants of the massive storm headed toward the British Isles

Skybolt 2 launch

Rocket Powered by Recycled Tires and Hope Launches in the U.K.

With a successful test of the Skybolt 2 rocket, Starchaser Industries takes a step towards sending tourists into space

The surprising find was unearthed as part of a community project that invites amateur archeologists to help dig up local history.

Amateur Archaeologists Find ‘Most Exciting’ Roman Mosaic in Britain

The mosaic tells the story of Bellerophon, a mythical hero who defeats the fearsome Chimera

The cloud was first reported at Birling Gap, located about 70 miles from central London.

A Mysterious Chemical Cloud Descended on the British Coast

150 people were treated for stinging eyes, irritated throats and vomiting

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