Smart News


Quitting Smoking by Age Forty Limits Negative Health Effects

Quitting by 40 will stave off the lost decade a lifelong smoker should otherwise expect

These two are definitely about to transfer cooties

If Cooties Were Real, What Disease Would They Be?

We all know that cooties aren't real (besides, we've all been vaccinated as kids so we're safe). But if they were real, what disease would cooties be?

Dogs May Have Evolved From the Wolves Who Liked Eating Trash the Most

There may be an evolutionary reason that your dog eats everything, including the trash


We Can Recognize Our Own Scent

Before this, it wasn't clear how people would react to their own smell or even whether they could recognize it.


Readers Who Bought Lance Armstrong’s Book Want Their Money Back

Lance Armstrong's doping confession has cost him his Tour de France medals, sponsors and his charity. But now, readers who bought his books, want their money back too


Tapirs—South America’s Largest And Weirdest Mammal—Thrive in Secret Jungle Corridors

Good news for tapirs, the odd forest dwelling South American mammals that look something like a cross between a deer, pig and anteater


This Is What Being a Google Maps Editor Is Like

Google maps is back on the iPhone, and thank goodness because the whole world could basically not function without it. But how does Google Maps get made?


Sonar Uncovers Amazing Photograph of Sunken Civil War Ship

The USS Hatteras, sunk 150 years ago, was discovered and photographed recently using 3D sonar


The Russian Government Once Funded a Scientist’s Quest To Make an Ape-Human Hybrid

In 1926, a famed Russian biologist was "hell-bent" on creating an ape-human hybrid


These Models Probably Never Thought They’d Be Shooting Fashion Photos With Whale Sharks

A journalist and a photographer juxtaposed beautiful women with whale sharks in order to raise awareness about the species' plight

Dungeons & Dragons Is So Classic It Now Has Its Own Digital Archive

Guides and books from the past 40 years of Dungeons and Dragons are to be preserved online


Sweet Potato Genes Say Polynesians, Not Europeans, Spread the Tubers Across the Pacific

Sweet potato samples preserved in centuries-old herbariums indicate that Polynesian sailors introduced the yam across Southeast Asia and the Pacific

A Thai enforcement officer with one of the shocked, rescued babies.

Bag Full of Otters Recovered at Thai Airport

Eleven live otters turned up in a scanned bagged that someone had abandoned at the oversized luggage area of Bangkok's airport

In 1974, Someone Ordered a Pizza With a Computer for the First Time

Here, witness a key moment in digital delivery: the first pizza ever ordered with a computer

Baby ear

Stop Cleaning Inside Your Ears: It’s Bad for You

Here's why you should pretty much never clean inside your ears

Here’s Why It Is Really, Really Cold Out

Blame this increasingly-common form of Arctic circulation for today's frigid weather


Raw Meat Meets 3D Printing

A bio-cartridge "prints" living cells, one on top of the next, and they naturally fuse to form muscle tissue


Rare Spider Hides Out in London Cemetery Vaults for 150 Years

Around 100 spiders turned up in the tombs, some of which date back to the 1830s

Mercury is a liquid in its pure form.

After Millennia of Heavy Use, Mercury Gets the Boot

From an Elixir of Life to the Philosopher's Stone, mercury's long legacy is coming close to an end

Geneticist Does Not Seek Woman to Give Birth to Cloned Caveman Baby

Geneticist says he's extracted enough DNA from Neanderthal fossils to create an embryo, but lacking a uterus himself he needs to find the right lady

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