A confused monkey wearing a shearling coat and diaper was found wandering around outside an Ikea store in Toronto
One-hundred and eleven years ago today the first Nobel Prizes were awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, for physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace
It turns out that the fungi in cheeses like blue cheese aren't just sitting there, waiting for you to eat them
Scientists have engineered some proteins to "see" infrared
Now, scientists have created the cocoapple—a pineapple that tastes like a coconut
If you like playing games on the internet, you can help one of those psychologists out by playing a word association game online
In southwestern France, catfish are throwing themselves on the shore to catch pigeons
A multidecadal blip in temperature and rainfall patterns may have spurred the rise of the Mongol Empire
Apollo 17 took off forty years ago today
Reports from Doha don't provide much hope that any progress has been made on the increasingly urgent issue of global climate change
See all 100 tones of explosives the Germans dropped on London in one map
The fittest kids on the playground are also the ones who excel in the classroom at standardized tests and good grades
Research shows that lions are quickly disappearing across Africa's once-thriving Savannah due to human population growth and massive land use conversion
Because people didn't think dogs were awesome enough
With multiple paths to the red planet laid out, we might actually see people on Mars in the next few decades
Want to keep your enemies at bay? How about throwing a jar of scorpions at them?
New York–based photographer Shinichi Maruyama has a knack for capturing motion on film
A recent study found no evidence that using blood doping drugs gives elite athletes any advantage
NASA scientists created global composite images using cloud-free nights to reveal an unprecedented look at how our planet appears at night
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