Around 1998, Super Bowl commercials got meta. But this year, it's worse. This year, people are running commercials, for their Super Bowl commercials
Next time you have a cold or feel the first malarial chill hit your bones, consider doing the world a favor and tweeting those symptoms out
Sampling should be done late this evening, with scientific sampling of the subglacial waters beginning immediately
Watch these dolphins try to save their injured friend
This little drone will follow you around, film everything you do
Understanding how cats with FIV stay healthy could help researchers figure out how to keep humans with HIV from falling ill
In the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Australia, Max ranks as the number one name for male dogs
When owl monkeys break up the mate that takes up with "the other partner" produces fewer offspring than faithful monkeys
If you've ever drank beer out of a can, you can thank Gottfried Krueger Brewery. They were the first ones, 78 years ago today, to put the tasty beverage in a can and offer it up to consumers
Sitting in a corner reading silently - as you might be doing right now, for example - turns out to impossible
Quitting by 40 will stave off the lost decade a lifelong smoker should otherwise expect
We all know that cooties aren't real (besides, we've all been vaccinated as kids so we're safe). But if they were real, what disease would cooties be?
There may be an evolutionary reason that your dog eats everything, including the trash
Before this, it wasn't clear how people would react to their own smell or even whether they could recognize it.
Lance Armstrong's doping confession has cost him his Tour de France medals, sponsors and his charity. But now, readers who bought his books, want their money back too
Good news for tapirs, the odd forest dwelling South American mammals that look something like a cross between a deer, pig and anteater
Google maps is back on the iPhone, and thank goodness because the whole world could basically not function without it. But how does Google Maps get made?
The USS Hatteras, sunk 150 years ago, was discovered and photographed recently using 3D sonar
In 1926, a famed Russian biologist was "hell-bent" on creating an ape-human hybrid
A journalist and a photographer juxtaposed beautiful women with whale sharks in order to raise awareness about the species' plight
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