Smart News


Some People See Their Future-Selves as Strangers

Some people see their future-selves as strangers, and thus don't plan ahead for their own old age


The Best Video Game Players Are Also the Jerkiest

How do people who are really good at these games make moral choices?

After the sea lice feast

Here’s What Happened to Jack Because Rose Didn’t Save Him

After Jack's cold body sank down to the bottom of the North Atlantic in Titanic, here's probably what it looked like


Ways to Watch Sandy That Are More Interesting Than Looking Out the Window And Safer Than Going Outside

Ways to Watch Sandy That Are More Interesting Than Looking Out the Window And Safer Than Going Outside

Incredible Halloween Costumes Inspired by Famous Works of Art

Culture-hounds take heart: Halloween doesn't have to be all Honey Boo Boos and internet memes


This Guy Learned Linear Algebra in Ten Days, And You Can Too

At MIT you can take a ton of science classes online. And, in true MIT fashion, someone just did them all at an extraordinary speed


Not Even the Greeks Thought the World Was Flat, But These People Do

There are some people today who claim to still believe that the Earth is flat

This man is ghost riding. Wikipedia says so.

In Honor of Wikipedia’s Near-Completion, Here Are Its Most Awesomely Weird Entries


Giant Paintball Gun Could Save the World From Death-by-Asteroid

A big asteroid will eventually hit the Earth. What can we do to push it out of the way?


Track Star Lolo Jones Is Now Would-Be Bobsledding Star Lolo Jones

Lolo Jones, the U.S. sprinter who runs the 60 and 100 meter hurdles, was just added to the U.S. bobsledding team roster


What If You Replaced All of New York City’s Carbon Dioxide Emissions with Big Blue Bouncy Balls?

Watch New York City get buried under its own carbon emissions


How To Film a Cheetah Sprinting at 61 Miles Per Hour

National Geographic shows how a team filmed Sarah, the fastest cheetah in the world, sprinting at top speed


Women Can’t Do Pull Ups? Not So Fast

With enough training and determination, women can do pull-ups

Could a Modern Human Beat a Neanderthal in a Fight?

It's hypothetical conflict, but who would emerge the victor?

How To Scrape at a Picasso Without Getting Arrested

The New York Times has an interactive feature showing Picasso's "Woman Ironing" that you can scratch away at to uncover the original pairing - one of a man

A New Tate Online Exhibit Showcases Lost, Stolen and Destroyed Art

The exhibit includes newspaper clippings, photographs and the last known images of each of the featured works


Want to Eat a Triceratops? Try Ripping its Head Off

Recent research has uncovered how the Tyrannosaurus probably ate the Triceratops: head first

A Massive Field of Frozen Greenhouse Gas Is Thawing Out

Vast stores of methane hydrates off the US east coast are thawing out, but what this means is still up in the air

Napoleon’s Army May Have Suffered From the Greatest Wardrobe Malfunction in History

Historians still puzzle over Napoleon's catastrophic Russian defeat, but materials scientists think the army's buttons may be to blame

This is exactly the type of comedic gold that could protect you from.

How to Completely Avoid Politics in Social Media

A new chrome extension automatically filters political posts from your social media feeds

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