Health & Medicine

Junk food and processed food has gotten a bad reputation as a primary cause of weight gain, but journalist David Freedman says, with some changes, it could actually help the obese in America's poorest neighborhoods.

Forget the Vegetables—Junk Food Could Help Fight Obesity

Journalist David Freedman says engineering healthier versions of popular treats could finally help the poorest and most obese Americans lose weight

The Carmat artificial heart features sensors to monitor and adjust blood flow depending on the body's demands.

The World's First True Artificial Heart Now Beats Inside a 75-Year-Old Patient

The two-pound Carmat heart quickens or slows blood flow based on a person's physical activity

A study, conducted by researchers in Berlin, shows that those who suck on a mint containing a particular type of bacteria actually reduce the levels of cavity-causing bacteria in their saliva.

Is Candy That Fights Cavities Too Good To Be True?

Researchers in Berlin find that sweets containing a special probiotic may help you avoid the dentist's chair

Hövding is a helmet cyclists wear on their necks—not their heads.

The Bicycle Helmet That's Invisible (Until You Need It)

Riffing off of airbag technology, Swedish designers have created a helmet, worn around the neck, that inflates during an accident

Reinvented: Futuristic Toilet Extolls the Health Benefits of Squatting

An award-winning design for the toilet of the future makes it easier to switch to a more natural posture

Can Bees Be Trained to Sniff Out Cancer?

A British artist has designed Bee's, a glass diagnostic tool that aims to make screening as simple as breathing into a bowl

Would You Eat A Holiday Dinner in a Can?

British designer Chris Godfrey dreams up a tinned, nine-course meal for gamers glued to their consoles

This Wheel Turns Your Bicycle Into An Electric Hybrid

The Copenhagen Wheel can be snapped onto just about any bicycle to boost your pedaling power by up to 10 times

Silkworm pancakes. Yum!

Insect Farming Kit Lets You Raise Edible Bugs

The Tiny Farms setup comes with everything to cultivate one of the world's most sustainable (and popular) sources of food

The Toxins That Affected Your Great-Grandparents Could Be In Your Genes

Biologist Michael Skinner has enraged the chemical community and shocked his peers with his breakthrough research

Electronics That Can Melt in Your Body Could Change the World of Medicine

John Rogers, a revolutionary materials scientist, is pushing the boundaries of the medical world

It’s time to give thanks for your taste buds.

10 Things We’ve Learned About Taste

Do following rituals before a meal make the food taste better? What about the ambience of the room in which you're eating it?

Art Meets Science

Should We Use Body Painting to Teach Anatomy?

Artist Danny Quirk's paintings on the skin of willing friends show in textbook-like detail the muscle, bone and tissue that lie underneath

The Foodini

Hungry? A Startup Wants You to 3D Print Your Next Meal

The Foodini may allow people to painlessly prepare healthier meals instead of reaching for that factory-processed stuff sitting in the freezer


10 Things We’ve Learned About Fat

Experts have long known that trans fat isn't good for us, but research has turned up surprises—chocolate and chili peppers can help us lose fat

Simply by looking at geo-tagged tweets, an algorithm can track the spread of flu and predict which users are going to get sick.

Your Tweets Can Predict When You’ll Get the Flu

Simply by looking at geotagged tweets, an algorithm can track the spread of flu and predict which users are going to get sick

The brain scan on right shows Alzheimer’s damage.

How Lasers Could Be the Answer to Alzheimer’s

They're now able to detect the clumps of toxic proteins that destroy the brain. One day they may be able to get rid of them

A representation of a virtual monkey, whose arms can be manipulated by a real monkey in a new brain-machine interface—the first interface that allows for the control of multiple limbs.

A New Interface Lets Monkeys Control Two Virtual Arms With Their Brain Alone

The interface is the first that can control multiple limbs—a technology that marks another step toward full mobility for paralyzed people

A Romanian Scientist Claims to Have Developed Artificial Blood

A true blood substitute can be a major breakthrough that can save lives. Testing out a batch, however, can be a problem


Why the Oral Contraceptive Is Just Known as “The Pill”

A new birth control method gave women unprecedented power and revolutionized daily life

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