Health & Medicine

A doctor administers a common glaucoma test.

Tech Watch

A Smart Sensor Could Detect Glaucoma Before Your Doctor Does

A pair of Washington researchers could be first to implant an electronic sensor—designed to give real-time analysis of the disease—directly into the eye

The clip-on Bluetooth device guides you through less-stressful days by keeping tabs on how you're breathing.

Tech Watch

Stressed? The Latest In Wearables Could Help Keep You Calm

Spire, a clip-on Bluetooth device available this fall, keeps tabs on stress by monitoring how you breathe

The Scoop works like a mini sound mixer.

Tech Watch

Having Trouble Hearing? There's An App For That

Called the Scoop, this earpiece is a mini-mixer, allowing the wearer to adjust to his or her environment.

Mapping a child's genome could be something available to all parents in the coming years. But is the procedure always good?

Will Genome Sequencing Make Us Smarter About Dealing With Diseases in Our Genes—Or Just More Anxious?

Doctors could use our genetic map to pinpoint the best treatment for our diseases. But how much do we want to know about what's lurking in our DNA?

The mind-controlled exoskeleton developed by Miguel Nicolelis and his colleagues will allow a paralyzed teenager to make the ceremonial first kick of the 2014 World Cup.

World Cup 2014

Mind-Controlled Technology Extends Beyond Exoskeletons

A wearable robot controlled by brain waves will take center stage at the World Cup this week, but it’s not the only mind-controlled tech out there

A new way to wirelessly charge devices inside the body could allow for medical implants as small as a grain of rice.

Tech Watch

No Batteries Here: New Implants Can Charge Through Your Body's Own Tissue

A device being tested by Stanford University researchers is the latest in an area of medical development known as “electroceuticals.”

The Next Wave of Cancer Cures Could Come From Nasty Viruses

The idea of using viruses to fight cancer isn’t new, but recent breakthroughs are offering more promising results

Daiquiri mixing machines at Wet Willie's.

The Surprising History of Making Alcohol a Powdered Substance

A startup is seeking approval to sell alcohol in tiny inconspicuous packets. But the science is decades old

Breast cancer cells dividing.

Could A Genome-Savvy Computer Help Change The Way We Treat Cancer?

The pilot is one of several doctors are using to target treatment to the way cells mutate instead of to the part of the body in which tumors grow

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center will soon replace the blood of trauma patients with cold saline solution to slow down the cell's metabolism to where there's no signs of brain activity, nor pulse.

This Radical Treatment Pushes Victims to the Brink of Death in Order to Save Their Lives

Researchers are putting trauma patients in a state between life and death with a technique known in movies as "suspended animation"

A neurosurgeon’s view during a brain operation: The head is held in place and covered with an adhesive drape containing iodine, which prevents infections and explains the orange tint.

Inside the Science of an Amazing New Surgery Called Deep Brain Stimulation

The most futuristic medical treatment ever imagined is now a reality

Ultra thin patches will be able to keep track of what's happening inside your body.

Tech Watch

Forget Wristbands, Health Trackers of the Future Will Be Skin Patches

Thin as a human hair and applied like temporary tattoos, they'll be able to monitor everything from heartbeats to brain activity to muscle tremors

Warka Water towers are designed to take advantage of condensation.

Tech Watch

This Tower Pulls Drinking Water Out of Thin Air

Designer Arturo Vittori says his invention can provide remote villages with more than 25 gallons of clean drinking water per day

Adrian Sugar (seated second from left) and his surgical team during the facial rebuild operation at Morriston Hospital. The team reconstructed 29-year-old Stephen Power's face using models and implants from a 3D printer.

Tech Watch

How 3D Printing Helped Repair This Man's Face

In a landmark procedure, surgeons used 3D printing techniques to restore a patient's facial likeness after a horrific injury

Scientists made synthetic version of a chromosome found in brewer's yeast, pictured above, a fungus commonly used to make beer.

New Research

Scientists Build a Yeast Chromosome From Scratch. Next Up? Designer Genomes

Creating synthetic organisms with specially-tailored genomes is a long way off, but the first synthetic eukaryotic chromosome is a big step forward

An Arizona State University student's toothpaste tube prototype forces every last bit to come out by folding down like an accordion.

A Toothpaste Tube That Gets Every Last Bit Out

Tired of wasting leftover toothpaste, a student invents a new origami-inspired design that leaves nothing behind

Altering activity in the gut has been shown to affect mood and behavior. Can it also improve learning?

New Research

Checking the Claim: Can Probiotics Make You Smarter?

A researcher says a certain strain of gut bacteria can enhance brain power—but some critics aren't sold

The Intel Science Talent Search honored the top winner and nine esteemed runners-up of its 2014 competition at a black-tie affair in Washington, D.C.

These Teenagers Have Already Accomplished More Than You Ever Will

The winners of this year's Intel Science Talent Search take on flu vaccines, stem cells and tools for diagnosing cancer

This "heart sock" is dotted with sensors that can detect the intricate inner workings of the heart.

Tech Watch

This Wearable 'Heart Sock' May Someday Save Lives

Inventors say a new device can detect irregularities and even intervene before heart attacks turn deadly

Neuroscientist Aaron Seitz argues that training the brain to better adapt to changing eyes is no different than exercising the body to be stronger or faster.

Tech Watch

This New App Promises to Sharpen Your Eyesight

Forget Lasik. A neuroscientist from the University of California Riverside swears that his exercises can improve your vision

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