
View of Beirut, Lebanon, with palm and pine trees in the foreground

Times of Trouble

Flashpoints in Modern Lebanese History


Space Fashion

Erin Gann as Xerxes and Helen Carey as Atossa in the Shakespeare Theatre Company's production of Aeschylus' "The Persians," a new version by Ellen McLaughlin, directed by Ethan McSweeny.

The Persians Revisited

A 2,500-year-old Greek historical play remains eerily contemporary

Peter Marra, with a cardinal.

Making History

Early Birds


June Anniversaries

Momentous or Merely Memorable

Xu Bing's Book from the Sky(1987-1991), hand printed books, ceiling and wall scrolls printed from wood letterpress type using false Chinese characters, dimensions variable, installation view at "Crossings," National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (1998).

China’s Artistic Diaspora

For sixty years, upheavals in Chinese politics have not only remade the country’s economy–they have remade Chinese art


May Anniversaries

Momentous or Merely Memorable

The Hoover Dam in 1933

Excessive Withholding


Dispatch from Stonehenge, Day 14

April 13: The Druids Bless Our Departure

The dig’s emerging physical evidence—including fragments of bluestone and sarsen scattered throughout the site—reflect a complex history.

Dispatch from Stonehenge, Day 10

April 9: Archaeology in a Fishbowl

Archaeologists at Stonehenge continue to make discoveries within the inner circle of the monument.

Dispatch from Stonehenge, Day 9

April 8: The Clock is Ticking


Dispatch from Stonehenge, Day 1

March 31st: The Excavation Begins


Dispatch from Stonehenge, Day 2

April 1st: An Ill Wind Blows


Spirals of History

Hand-carved elephant tusks tell the story of life in the Congolese colonies of the late 1800s

Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron

April Anniversaries

Momentous or Merely Memorable


Making History

Mystery Illuminated


March Anniversaries

Momentous or Merely Memorable


Rebel with a Cause

199 Candles

Failure to Warn?

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