

Why Do Adults Still Get Pimples?

Here's how acne really works

Animals Use Medicine, Too

From chimps to caterpillars to birds and flies, all sorts of animals use medicine


This Woman Was Born With Three Fingers, But Her Brain Knew All Along What Having Five Would Feel Like

This woman's brain knew what having five fingers felt like, even though she herself had never in her life had five fingers

An Asiatic black bear, also known as a moon bear

Brain Surgery Performed on a Bear for the First Time

Champa the bear has made a swift recovery following surgery at her bear sanctuary in Laos


People May Consume More Soda If Supersized Drinks Are Banned

When given a choice between buying one large drink or several smaller drinks, people went with the latter option, which adds up to more total soda consumed


Scientists Breed Exercise-Crazy Rats

Thirty-six genes may hold the secret for why some rats preferred running on wheels ten times as much as other rats


Robert Edwards, 87, Helped Bring Millions of Babies Into This World

In vitro ferlization has helped millions of people have babies. The techniques co-founded just died


The Definitive Guide to Bedbug Sex

The last thing you want in your bed is bedbugs. But here is an even grosser thought to handle: bedbugs have sex in your bed.

Can We Use Umami to Get People to Eat Better?

Research into umami has unlocked answers about our preferences, our recipes, and perhaps how to correct our crash course with obesity


Unhealthy Eating And Not Enough Sleep—Not Genes or Laziness—Driving Surge in Childhood Obesity

Child “obesity is not a disease of inactivity," and the fixes won't be simple

Anti-Vaccine Tweets Spread Faster Than Pro-Vaccine Messages

Not all messages are created equal, and when it comes to Tweets about vaccines it's the anti-vaccine messages that spread the fastest


Thieves Break Into Safe to Steal $3 Million Worth of Rhino Horns

Right now the going rate for rhino horn (just about $30,000 a pound) is higher than for gold

A Few Rare People Hallucinate Musical Scores

Musical hallucinations are the rarest form of 'text hallucinations'


Wildlife Managers Are Poisoning Rhino Horns to Stop People From Eating Them

The poison, a mix of parasiticides and pink dye, now fills more than 100 rhinos' horns

Graham Crackers Were Supposed To Be a Sex Drive–Suppressing Diet Food

The original vision for graham crackers had little to do with s'mores

Happier Couples Tend to Gain More Weight Over Time

Couple whose relationship is on the rocks or who are considering divorce may maintain the appearances in order to attract other mates


‘Altitude Sickness’ Might Actually Be Two Different Diseases

Something like 20% of people in the United States who travel to the mountains in the west report getting altitude sickness, but the symptoms might actually be from two different diseases


Whether Monkey or Human, Middle Managers Are the Most Stressed Out

While monkeys and humans may lead very different lives, the way both species' middle-rankers suffer and deal with stress is not so different

Celebrate Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month By Reporting These Horrifying Species

April 1st marks the beginning of Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month, but how does somebody celebrate?

If Your Plane is Going Down, It’s Better to Sit in the Back

Discovery TV crashed a Boeing 727 in the Sonoran desert to answer the question: where's the safest place in the plane?

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