
Where Do Humans Really Rank on the Food Chain?

We're not at the top, but towards the middle, at a level similar to pigs and anchovies


Environmental Research Center Opens Its Doors for Family Day

Family Fall Day gives visitors the chance to see research on the bay up close

The Global Change Research Wetland at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

Why Smithsonian’s Environmental Staff Like Science

Science is our attempt to figure out the inner workings of a very messy world

Tangier Island is located in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay, just south of the Maryland line.

Tangier Island and the Way of the Watermen

In the middle of the Chesapeake Bay, a culture struggles to survive as aquatic life becomes scarce

A vegetable garden and less bottled water can help turn the White House "green."

Energy Efficiency at the White House

How environmental change can begin at the president's home

Photovoltaic panels are ideally suited to remote locations, as in this island community in Denmark, where the infrastructure required to connect to a centralized power grid is prohibitively expensive or too destructive to the natural landscape.

Energy Saving Lessons From Around the World

The curator of an exhibit at the National Building Museum highlights case studies of community involvement in energy conservation


Rebuilding Greensburg Green

Everyone assumed this Kansas town was destined to fade away. What would it take to reverse its course?


Kenneth R. Fletcher on "Four for a Quarter"

Keep Kangaroos at Bay the Dingo Way

Leatherback Sea Turtle Returns to Texas

Bottlenose Dolphin

15 Years After Dolphin-Safe Tuna, Signs of Recovery


Update: Quake-Hit Pandas; Mars Lander


Polar Bears Listed as Threatened

The Hoover Dam in 1933

Excessive Withholding

Household items made of various types of plastic

Cut Your Use of Plastic, Plastic, Plastic

Recycling isn't enough


Where Everything's Bigger Except the Insurance

An Iconic Image of Science Turns 50

Cargo Ships Drop Some Water Weight


Overheated Corals Switch and Survive

Flooding the Grand Canyon

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