Cool Finds


Redskins Hall of Famers Say Team Name is Probably Offensive, But Shouldn’t Change

Many Native Americans have called for the team to change their name out of respect for their culture and history


A Well Preserved, 15-Foot Long Dinosaur Tail Is Being Dug Up in Mexico

The 72 million-year-old tail finding is quite rare, and a hip and other bones have also been found nearby


What Happens When You Test the Prisoner’s Dilemma on Prisoners

The prisoner's dilemma is a classic game theory thought experiment. But no one ever tested this on actual prisoners. Until now


The Newport Aquarium’s New Shark Ray Was Killed by an Overenthusiastic Suitor

The aquarium has yet to name names or point fingers at which of the other four shark rays was responsible for the new female's undoing

What’s left of a former residential school in British Columbia

Canada’s Forgotten Experiments on Malnourished Indigenous Kids

During this period in history, the Canadian government strongly promoted a reeducation program of sorts for indigenous children


Climate Change Is Creating Cannibal Lobsters

Warming water means more lobsters--and lobster cannibalism

Etsy Has Banned Sales of Protected Animals’ Fur, Bones, Teeth And Bodies

Conservation groups are hoping that, with Etsy and Ebay on board, other sites such as Craigslist, Bonanza and Google Shop will follow suit

The mushroom cloud produced by the “Fat Man” bomb from the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan.

Here’s What Nagasaki Would Have Looked Like If the Tsar Bomba Had Replaced ‘Fat Man’

A Google Earth add-on helps you understand the strength of the world's nuclear arsenal


The Ten Most Controversial Articles on Wikipedia Might Surprise You

One researcher has quantified the most controversial Wikipedia entires of all time in ten different languages

In Bacon Therapy, the Meat Isn’t for You: It’s for the Bugs Eating Your Skin

Bacon therapy might sound like an awesome thing. It is not

Meet Your Local Farmer Bot

Not so much the dream of the far future, agricultural robots are nearly ready for prime time

Miconia growing in Hawaii

In Hawaii, Scientists Are Battling Invasive Plants with Herbicide-Shooting Paintball Guns

Paintball gun-wielding researchers have used this Rambo-like approach to reduce some patches on invasive plants by 80 percent

That little blue dot floating in the black is every single one of us.

NASA Goes All the Way to Saturn, Takes a Stunning Selfie

Here it is: Earth, as seen from Saturn

An English Town Had to Dye This Beautiful Lagoon Black to Get People to Stop Swimming in It

The lagoon is so blue it attracts visitors from all over. The problem is that the lagoon is incredibly toxic.


Measles Outbreaks Are on the Rise in the U.S.

The latest Brooklyn outbreaks originated from someone contracting the disease abroad, carrying it home and spreading it to unvaccinated persons


Researchers Hope Freezing Cold Caps Can Prevent Chemo Hair Loss

Researchers are testing a cap so cold that it numbs the scalp during chemo to keep the hair from falling out


Small Universities Are Saving Funds And Pooling Resources by Merging

Schools that have merged enjoy perks such as new joint degree programs, more options for specialized majors, higher state rankings and reduced costs


Stop Hating on Early Risers: It’s the Night Owls You Should Worry About

While everybody loves to hate the chipper morning people, psychologists say that night owls are really the ones to watch out for


Watch This Blob of Ferrofluid Multiply Faster Than the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s Broomstick

Ferrofluids are pretty much the coolest thing ever


What’s Killing Florida’s Manatees This Time?

What's behind the mysterious deaths of more than a hundred of Florida's manatees?

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