
Invasive Lionfish Are Like a Living, Breathing, Devastating Oil Spill

Meet the lionfish - the poisonous and ravenous fish that is making its way across the Atlantic ocean like a slowly crawling, devastating oil spill

ZnO Fall Flowers. Image by Audrey Forticaux, a graduate student in the Chemistry Department

Intriguing Science Art From the University of Wisconsin

From a fish's dyed nerves to vapor strewn across the planet, images submitted to a contest at the university offer new perspectives of the natural world


Your Meat is Probably Packing Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic resistant bacteria is rampant in grocery store meat, and it doesn't seem to be going away


The Secret to Biofuels Might Be Hidden in Poop

A fungus that grows on manure and breaks down the leftover plant material could be a key clue for biofuel researchers


Why Do Adults Still Get Pimples?

Here's how acne really works

Animals Use Medicine, Too

From chimps to caterpillars to birds and flies, all sorts of animals use medicine


Robert Edwards, 87, Helped Bring Millions of Babies Into This World

In vitro ferlization has helped millions of people have babies. The techniques co-founded just died


Scientists Just Found the Teeny Bones of Fossilized, Embryonic Dinosaurs

From southwestern China, baby dinosaur bones and preserved eggs

Highly Recommended: Teaching Climate Change And Evolution in Science Class

On Tuesday, United States educators unveiled a new science curriculum that includes new subjects like climate change and evolution

Can We Use Umami to Get People to Eat Better?

Research into umami has unlocked answers about our preferences, our recipes, and perhaps how to correct our crash course with obesity


All the Conditions Required for Life to Appear Are Here, in Antarctica’s Amazing Ice Stalactites

Brinicles, more than ice fingers of death, may have driven the formation of life

How Women May Have Shaped Men’s Penises

Whether women's preference is indeed solely responsible for driving the way penises look today remains an open-ended question, however

Adélie penguins on Beaufort Island

Climate Change Means More Adélie Penguins

Climate change seems to be giving an unexpected boost to this penguin species


There Is Now a Hypothetical Species Named Shrewdinger Because of You

Last week, the public voted, and named a hypothetical placental ancestor Shrewdinger

I see your log bungalow and raise you a fully-functioning ion channel.

Need to Build a Functioning Neuron?

In Minecraft, a player creates a functional neuron


‘Altitude Sickness’ Might Actually Be Two Different Diseases

Something like 20% of people in the United States who travel to the mountains in the west report getting altitude sickness, but the symptoms might actually be from two different diseases

Celebrate Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month By Reporting These Horrifying Species

April 1st marks the beginning of Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month, but how does somebody celebrate?


One of Napoleon’s Generals Was More Interested in Gathering Beetles Than Fighting at Waterloo

When he died in 1845, Count Pierre François Marie Auguste Dejean owned the largest personal beetle collection in the world


This Giant New Tarantula Has an Eight-Inch Leg Span

Say hello to Peocilotheria rajaei, Sri Lanka's most recently discovered giant spider.

How Your Brain Reassures You That You’re Better Than Other People

The "superiority illusion" may depend on how connected certain parts of your brain are and how many dopamine receptors you have

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