

Stiffening Arteries May Be at the Heart of ‘Senior Moments’

Stiffening arteries could cause bleeding in the brain


Tiger vs. Lion—Who Would Win?

Lions are the king of the plains. Tigers rule the jungle. But face to face, which would win?

How to Grow a Nanogarden

In a lab at Harvard University, Wim Noorduin cultivates microscopic crystalline flowers in glass beakers

German cockroach

Cockroaches Have Evolved to Avoid Our Traps

In just a few years, cockroaches evolved to avoid our poisons


Why a Simple Message—Fat Is Bad—Is Failing

Extra pounds are extra years off your life, we hear. But the science isn't so sure about that


The Internet Is Still for Porn—And Parents Are Trying to Figure Out How to Handle That

Welcome to the internet, there will be porn, are you ready for it?


Bears That Have No Fish to Eat Eat Baby Elk Instead

The illegal introduction of lake trout in Yellowstone's lakes is having wide-reaching consequences


Princeton University Celebrates the Art of Science

In a new exhibition, the university showcases 43 images rooted in scientific research that force viewers to contemplate the definition of art

How Puking Could Save the Endangered Marbled Murrelet

For the marbled murrelet the conservation plan is a little unusual: making their predators vomit


Wealthy Economic Liberals Actually Are Wimps

In the animal kingdom, larger males are likewise prone to hoard resources and defend larger territories than weaker competitors


Specially-Trained Honeybees Forage for Land Mines

With special training, these honeybees can sniff out TNT


Two-Thirds of the World Still Hates Lefties

For 2/3 of the world's population, being born left handed is still met with distrust and stigma


Water Cut Off From the World for Billions of Years Is Bubbling From the Bottom of a Mine

1.5 miles down at the base of a Canadian mine life may have thrived


Why Do We Laugh?

What is the evolutionary purpose of laughter? Are we the only species that laughs?


This Carnivorous Plant Throws Out Its Junk DNA

Complex life is possible without excessive amounts of non-coding DNA


There Are Just Three Males of This Endangered Fish Left, And the London Zoo Is on a Global Hunt to Find a Lady

There are just three fish of this species left in the world, and they're all males.

A new and improved model of the human tongue.

How Much Do We Really Know About Your Tongue?

This new model is the most complete guide for understanding the "complex interweaving" of our tongue muscles

Research shows that mothers are better than others at problem solving, handling stress and at completing certain memory tasks.

How Motherhood Makes You Smarter

New studies on rats show that being a mom does more than change her body, it may maximize her brainpower too


You Totally Would Have Wanted This Little Dome-Headed Dinosaur as a Pet

Just 90 pounds and 6 feet tall, this newly discovered dinosaur is the oldest of its kind


This New Drug Neutralizes Heroin Before Users Feel the High

By binding the psychoactive ingredients in the blood, heroin can't affect the users' brain

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