Smart News Science

Astrobatrachus kurichiyana, also known as the "starry dwarf frog," has only been found on a single hill range in India's Western Ghats.

Newly Discovered Starry Dwarf Frogs Are Lone Species of an Ancient Lineage

The newly discovered ‘oddball frog’ species dwells in India’s Western Ghats, one of the hottest of the biodiversity hotspots

Trending Today

Flooding Creates a 10-Mile-Long Lake in Death Valley

The rare ephemeral lake was caused when the compacted, dry desert soil wasn't able to absorb the .87 inches of rain that recently fell on the national park

Woman Attacked by Jaguar at Arizona Zoo Says She Was ‘In the Wrong’

She had been trying to get a photo of the animal, which reached through its cage and clamped down on her arm

New Research

Dog Walks Are Good Exercise for Seniors—But Be Careful, Fractures Are on the Rise

Injuries caused by walking a dog on a leash have doubled in the last 15 years for Americans aged 65 and over

Expansion packs featuring birds of every continent are currently in the works

This New Scientifically Accurate Board Game Is for the Birders

"Wingspan" features 170 unique species cards filled with real-world information, life-like illustrations

Artist's impression of a Galleonosaurus dorisae herd on a riverbank in the Australian-Antarctic rift valley during the Early Cretaceous, 125 million years ago.

New Dinosaur Species Found in Australia Reveals a ‘Lost World’

<i>Galleonosaurus dorisae</i> thrived in the now-vanished Australia-Antarctica rift

Previously, the only known member of the genus spotted on Sulawesi was T. fulvicornis, a species described in 1885.

Cool Finds

These 103 Beetle Species Have a Mix of Pop Culture-Inspired Names

Entomologists named the newly discovered species after Star Wars Jedi master Yoda, Greek goddess Artemis, French comic book character Asterix

Trending Today

Month-Long Oil Spill in the Solomon Islands Threatens World's Largest Coral Reef Atoll

Australia has stepped in to help contain the 600 tons of heavy fuel oil leaking from the transport that ran aground on Rennell Island early last month

Georges Seurat's Pointillist "Study for 'A Sunday on La Grande Jatte'" exhibits high levels of entropy but low levels of complexity

Art Meets Science

Physicists Come Up With Intriguing Way to Measure Art's Evolution

By mapping the complexity and entropy of 140,000 paintings created between 1031 and 2016, the researchers demonstrated the interaction of art movements

New Research

Beer Yeast Is a True International Collaboration

A new study looking at the genomics of brewer's yeast indicates it's a combination of European grape wine and Asian rice wine strains

The positions of the globular clusters used to estimate the mass of the Milky Way.

Cool Finds

How Much Does the Milky Way Weigh?

Measurements from the Gaia satellite and Hubble Space Telescope show our galaxy tips the scales at about 1.5 trillion solar masses

Humans Are Destroying Chimpanzee Culture

A new study has found that chimps living in areas of high human impact are 88 percent less likely to engage in certain learned behaviors

Researchers crossed paths with a pod of Type D whales during a January expedition

A New Orca Species May Have Been Spotted Off the Coast of Chile

Until now, the so-called Type D killer whale has been the stuff of legends, eluding scientists while sneaking snacks off of fishermen's lines

Trending Today

Italy May Need to Import Olive Oil After Extreme Weather Decimates Local Crops

This year's harvest is down 57 percent, and may force the nation to import its treasured olive oil from other parts of the Mediterranean

Women in Science Receive Less Grant Money Than Their Male Peers

Researchers found that on average, first-time male lead investigators were awarded $41,000 more than their female counterparts

Cool Finds

The City of Chicago Is Sinking. Here's Why

Ice sheets that receded 10,000 years ago are responsible for the Windy City dropping at least four inches over the last century

The "London patient" stopped taking his anti-H.I.V. drugs 18 months ago and has been in remission ever since

H.I.V. Has Reportedly Been 'Cured' for Only the Second Time Ever

A London man is in long-term remission following a successful bone marrow stem cell transplant

To find out what's going on outside, people love to search for  it online.

Bird Migrations, Floral Blooms and Other Natural Phenomena Cause Seasonal Spikes in Wikipedia Searches

A new study has found that pageview trends for various plants and animal species correspond to real-world seasonal patterns

Yet Another Study Finds No Link Between Measles Vaccine and Autism

The new research looked at 657,461 children, including subgroups that are considered susceptible to autism spectrum disorder

Heat waves pose a significant threat to coral reefs, kelp forests and seagrass beds

Ocean Heat Waves Are Threatening Marine Life, Biodiversity

Over the past three decades, Earth’s number of annual ocean heat wave days rose by more than 50 percent

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